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"Argh I can't do this. I'm too stressed." Seunghan exclaims. Well, more like he's been complaining for the last thirty minutes because he couldn't concentrate on his revision.
"I need to text Eunjo noona." He quickly took his phone out as he started spamming his soulmates some very random messages.

"Maybe if you'd stop going on your damn phone then you could be able to revise. And stop thinking about Eunjo, you're not going to be able to think about this revision topic cause all you'd be thinking about is her." Wonbin tells him off.
Sohee and his group of friends currently over at Shotaro's apartment as they were having a study session since exam seasons was right around the corner.

"English is hard!?!!! It's the only subject I'm struggling with. Anton tried to help me but nothing is going inside my head." Seunghan complains as he pulls on his hair.
"Should've not slept in class then." Eunseok stated.
"I'm going to confiscate your phone seunghan. You need to focus." Shotaro say's sternly as he took Seunghan's phone away from him. Making the lad frown.

"I think I'm done with my revision. I need to start heading out now." Says Sohee as he closes his notebook before starting to pack his things.
"I wish there was a machine that could switch out people's brains because I'd like to have Sohee hyung's brain. I'm tired from studying, my brain capacity could not take this much information in." Anton sighs as he lays down on the carpet.

"Where are you going Sohee?" Sungchan asks as he watches Sohee stand up whilst wearing his backpack on.
"I'm going to meet up with Ari and Yujin. Promised to have a study session with them as well. We agreed to help each other out on the subjects that we weren't good at." He replies as Seunghan looks up at him before wearing his own bag.
"Wait ttori don't leave without me. I'm coming with you, maybe Ari could help me with English." He exclaims as all his friends could just shake their heads in disbelief.

"Well looks like I gotta tell them about your arrival as well. Just promise me that you'd actually study Seunghan?" Sohee tells him as his friend nodded his head surely.
"Here, I'll give Seunghan's phone over to you so he doesn't have access to it until the both of you are done with revising." Shotaro handing Seunghan's phone over to Sohee as the boy placed the phone inside his pockets.

⋆ ࣪. ˖ ࣪⭑.

"Honestly I was not expecting him out of all people to join us as well." Yujin spoke when she sees Seunghan arriving at the cafe with Sohee.
"It was a last minute decision." Sohee replies before looking over at his friend.
"I needed Ari's help. So I'll be taking her attention for half the hour." Seunghan stated before sitting down beside Ari.
Yujin staring at them in appal as Ari could just smile at them softly.

"I'm starting to think that the three of you are actually soulmates that are intertwined with each other." Yujin shaking her head before she ushered Sohee to sit along with them.

Their study session then started with Sohee helping Yujin out with her maths revision, all whilst Ari was helping Seunghan out. She was very patient with him and that is something that he really liked and appreciated. She didn't get all irritated like Anton when he couldn't understand a sentence or a meaning of a word.
No wonder why Sohee was able to progress by a drastic amount in two months in this subject with the help of his soulmate.

"Is this correct?" Seunghan asks as he points his pen at the sentence that he had just wrote.
Ari reading through it with her brows furrowed, before she used her red pen to mark his work.

"The sentence you wrote is correct but your grammar is not." She tells him as he frowns.
"Fuck grammar. It's so goofy." He mumbles as it manages to make her laugh.
"Grammar is important. If your grammar isn't correct then your sentences won't make sense. See here, you're suppose to use past tense to explain what had just happened yesterday." She points out and corrected his answer.

He stares at the paper as he took everything in. Finally being able to understand her point.

"Ok grammar police I think I'm starting to understand. Can you give me another extract to complete." He says as she hands over another practice exam paper.

Ari allows Seunghan to do his work as she looks up to see how Yujin and Sohee were doing.
Her eyes widens when she sees that Yujin was no longer sitting beside Sohee. The lad making eye contact with her as he flashes her a smile.
"Where's Yujin?" She questions as Sohee points over to the restroom.
"She went to go and wash her face. Started tearing up because she couldn't answer an equation and didn't understand how to do the working out." Sohee explains as it made her chuckle.
Yujin and maths were not a good combo.

"She'll get the hang of it." Ari states.
"How's he doing?" Sohee then asks as he looks over at Seunghan who was busy concentrating with his work.
"He's doing surprisingly well. He managed to answer the questions properly." She informs before getting jumpscared when Seunghan had sat up and raised the paper that he was working on in the air.

"I'm done. Can you check it!" He exclaims, looking at Ari and Sohee weirdly when he sees that they had a very perplexed expression on their faces.
"You scared me." She says with a hand above her beating heart before taking the paper out of his hands.
"Oh whoops, my bad. I got excited cause I just know that this time I made no mistake. I'm one hundred percent sure that my answers are correct." He apologises as he waits for her to go through it.

Once she was done, she hands his paper back.
The two guys waiting for her response. Waiting patiently.
"Soo, how did I do?" Seunghan asks.
"You got all the answers correct-"
Seunghan not letting Ari finish her sentence as he started getting excited all of a sudden.
"But!" She added along as his face drops.
"Oh no, why is there a but. I don't want to hear any but's."
"There is one small mistake that you made. You forgot to add a comma here, punctuation is also something that you need to pay attention to." She says as he lets out a curse.

"Fuckkkkkk, give me another extract. I don't want to hear or see any mistakes!" Seunghan says determined as Sohee and Ari laughs at him. Enjoying his very competitive state, if you can even call that.

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btw if y'all wondering who Eunjo is, she appeared in Wonbin's book lol. The girl who's position in the team was taken (or snatched away) by Wonbin. That's as much lore as I'd give you about her 😹

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