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"I'm so tired, I need a hug from ttorii~" Wonbin whines as he tried to pull Sohee into a hug. The younger lad trying his hardest to push him away from him.
"I don't want hugs, go away." Sohee wails as he tried to push Wonbin away.
"He's so anti physical touch." Seunghan groans. Imagine what he has to go through, 10x worser than Wonbin because Seunghan can't keep his hands off of Sohee but the lad keeps pushing everyone away.

"Does his soulmate like touching him?" Anton asks. He was curious really. Maybe Sohee doesn't like being touched by his friends because he's saving it for his soulmate or something.
"The two of them barely talk. When they do talk it's about class work. Do you expect them to be touchy with each other? Let's be real here." Seunghan replies.
"Sohee doesn't even show interest in falling in love. He's just living his best life studying all the time." Eunseok sighs as he watches Wonbin and Sohee tackle each other.

"Class is about to start, someone separate those two." Sungchan stated as Seunghan got up and snatched Sohee away from Wonbin.
"Thanks Seunghan-" Sohee being cut off when Seunghan had a protective arm around him as he glared at Wonbin.
"Sohee doesn't like you, he only likes me." His fellow 03 friend stated sternly as Sohee looks at him in confusion.
"That's not true!" Sohee exclaims.
"You just love hogging Sohee up for yourself. It's obvious that he likes me more than you." Wonbin defended.
"Umm actually that's false. Out of everyone here, Sohee hyung likes me the most." Anton decided to join in.
"Just get to your classes you morons!" Eunseok exclaims in frustration. Everyone's bickering giving him a headache.
"Yessir!" All of them not wanting to fight back as they found his angry state terrifying, everyone then getting their bags before leaving for their classes.

⋆ ࣪.     ˖ ࣪⭑. 

"Could the first group get up and stand in front of the class to present." The teacher instructed.
A group of students standing up as they went to the front, this including Sohee and Ari who was apart of the first group.

Seunghan was sitting down in his desk. Waiting for the first group to start presenting. It wasn't Sohee's nor Ari's turn to speak so he didn't really pay any attention to the rest of the class.

He had an arm laid on the table as he used it to support his head, staring at the front of the class in absolute boredom. That is when something caught his attention.
He could see Sohee and Ari having small conversation as they stood by each other. But that wasn't what intrigued him. It was the fact that Ari was playing with Sohee's fingers and him letting her do so. It looked like two students standing right next to each other with their arms laid straight if it wasn't for Seunghan paying close attention to their hand movements.

Usually Sohee would push anyone away if they touched him, even if their hands just barely touched, he would get all disgusted by it. But this??? He's letting her fiddle with his hands whilst he talks to her with a bright smile on his face.

To be honest Seunghan was a bit jealous that Ari was able to get that comfortable with Sohee in such a small amount of time whilst it took him his entire lifetime to even be able to to lay a hand on his friend. The favouritism was obviously showing. But on the other hand he couldn't help but to smile staring at the sight.
Sohee might not realise it, but Seunghan knows that his best friend is absolutely in love with his soulmate Ari. Even if he doesn't make it obvious, he has his own particular way to show that he cares about her.

"You've been smiling to yourself for the last five minutes, it's scaring me." Yujin's voice was able to make Seunghan snap out of his daydream (if you can even say that).
"Shut the hell up Yujin." He mumbles.
"What are you smiling about? Did your soulmate think of you or something?" Yujin questions, pestering him as Seunghan scowls at her.
"I'm smiling at them, look." He said and pointed at Sohee and Ari's arms.

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