"That is if it is a she" Elizabeth scrunched her nose, they had been blessed with four handsome healthy boys so it wasn't a surprise that Elizabeth was expecting a boy. Although a girl had always been a dream.

"Violet..." She clicked her tongue, placing her hand on top of his "I quite like it, and maybe-"

"Mother! William ruined my sketchbook!" Charles shouted from the balcony with beet-red ears "Coming dear!" She shouted as she patted her husband's thigh.

"Another time sweetie" She pecked his lip and tried to get up but her arms were not working with her today and she found her balance off. Benedict noted her struggling and simply began to laugh.

"Need any help?" He inquired as he quickly shot up much to her dismay.

"I can do it" She gritted through her teeth in a low hush trying again and failing.

"Seriously my dear I can-" "Let me do it!" She shouted stubbornly "I'm not helpless" She mustered all of her strength and thrust her body forward with such force that she shot up and stumbled forward only to be caught by Benedict.

"Not helpless eh?" "Stuff it Bridgerton" She groaned taking his arm "Come now we must wrangle the zoo" She sighed as they slowly walked back to the house. Benedict placed a kiss on her temple.

"Have I told you that you're glowing" He flashed a lopsided grin "Don't sugarcoat it" She smirked.

"Mother!" Alexander now stood on the balcony covered in splotches of red and blue paint "They are monsters!" He shouted with wide eyes. Benedict's eyes mirrored their eldest son as he quickly looked at Elizabeth.

"They got into my study"

"They got into your study" Her green eyes flashed between their two eldest boys who looked more distraught the closer they got. Charles' hands had been drenched in various shades of oil paint that soaked into his sketchbook's binding. And it was Alexander, who on closer inspection looked as if he wanted to strangle his little brothers for ruining his new fencing uniform.

"Oh lord" Benedict hushed under his breath before running off "Boys go take a bath your father will have them handled" Elizabeth ordered as the two eldest quickly headed back inside with a grumble. Elizabeth took a deep breath in, ignoring the chaos within their home as she brushed her stomach.

"Oh Violet" She hushed "Mama can only hope you'll be an angel"


"Violet slow down!" Benedict worriedly spoke as he tightened his grip on his reigns.

"You are going to get yourself hurt" Daniel shouted as he tried to keep his pace.

"I'll be fine!" She argued. They had been invited to Queen Victoria's estate in Edinburgh for the opening hunt. Horse Riding had been Violet's favorite passion, one that she developed at the age of four at her father's family home Aubrey Hall. She didn't like to shoot, and she hated hunting but to pass up a race on the gorgeously kept grounds? She wouldn't dare.

"Mother will have our heads if you hurt yourself!" Michael huffed as he tightened his grip on his rifle at his side. Violet could hear every single plea they threw but she didn't care, all she wanted to she wanted to do was to feel the wind in her hair.

"Faster girl" She whispered to her stead as she straightened her back and kicked her legs against its sides.

"Violet!" Benedict groaned as he watched his 18-year-old daughter zoom deeper into the woods.

~~Artiste~~(Benedict Bridgerton)Where stories live. Discover now