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Perspective: Gahyeon

"How are you feeling? Are you nervous?"
(Y/n) shakes his head. But I know that he is lying. His eyes are glued to the track, while he waits to get into the kart.
I stand on the sideline, behind the small barrier, watching him putting on his helmet.
"Make sure you stay safe."
"I know, noona."
The feeling of worry stings my side. If our parents would hear that something happened to him...
"It's more important that you are safe. Winning comes second."
I tell him that, but I do know that he thinks otherwise. Which is probably the reason why he made it so far already. But still, I'm his big sister. I have to take care of him.
The commentator tells the boys to get into their karts.
"Go get them, (y/n)!"
I wave after him as he walks towards his small kart.
He waves back for only a moment, before strapping himself in.
I sigh, my voice filled with worry.
This is the last race of the year for him. And his chance to win the championship of his little league. He is competing with all the other boys in Korea that are around his age.
I see the boy who is starting right next to (y/n). I would sound horrible if I said that I hate him. But he really is annoying. Dangerous even. He and (y/n) hit each other more often than necessary throughout the year.
I remember how (y/n) lost control of his cart after one of those incidents. He went off the track and drove right into the small tyre barrier.
I was so worried that something would happen to him.

The man near the starting line raises the green flag. (Y/n) puts down the visor of his helmet. He is starting second. Which means he has to get past the dangerous boy.
My mom told (y/n) to be careful when he races with him. But does he listen? Never.

"Thank you, noona."
I watch as (y/n) takes the first bite of his sandwich. His small trophy is standing next to him on the table. It's golden, his name is engraved on it. It's only for the boys between six and eight. But it looks kinda cool. Especially since (y/n)'s name is on it. After the number one.
"Does it taste good?"
I see him nodding excitedly. He occasionally glances at the trophy next to him.
"I'm happy you won. Mom and dad are gonna be proud, too."
(Y/n) bites into his sandwich, before looking up at me.
"I will do this more often, so you become even happier."
I chuckle at his cuteness.
"Yah. This is way too dangerous."
He pouts, visibly disappointed.
"Alright, alright. I will be really happy when you win. But you have to promise to be more careful. I don't want to have to tell mom and dad if you end up in a hospital."
(Y/n) rolls his eyes.
"Don't worry, noona. I'm good."

Perspective: (y/n)

"Last lap."
I hear Mike over the radio. He still sounds worried.
Ignoring him, I focus on the task at hand. Another set of corners brings me closer towards Alonso.
"(Y/n), the car..."
I come out of the next corner, ready to blast down the straight, the Aston Martin right in front of me. I can still do this.
"Your gonna ruin the engine, (y/n)."
Mike's voice becomes a little louder, but I blend it out.
I'm side by side with Alonso. This is my last chance of third place.
I pretend to go down the inside, switching right before the straight ends. Using the advantage of the DRS just moments prior, I'm able to overtake him on the outside.
Alonso still hangs on, not wanting to give up the podium place.
"(Y/n)! Cool! The! Car!"
Mike literally screams at me, but I don't care. It's only a couple of corners to go. The car can hold out until then.

Perspective: Gahyeon

The three of us watch how (y/n) is now trying to defend his newly won place.
"Come on, (y/n)!"
I shout at the tv.
He is gonna be so happy if he gets third place again.
The two cars are now coming out of the final corner.
My eyes open wide as my heart freezes. Mom screams in horror.
Red flames suddenly appear on (y/n)'s car. Black smoke rises as the flames wrap themselves around the chassis.
I start to breath heavier. This can't be.
I watched some videos about f1 crashes before. Many of them where horrible. I can't let (y/n) experience something like this too.
I can't turn around to mom as my eyes are glued to the screen. I hear her sobbing as (y/n) keeps driving, but his car is getting slower. His helmet is not visible anymore, the black smoke is completely covering the car.

Perspective: Nayeon

We finally get back to our hotel. My phone died on the way, which means I wasn't able to watch the second part of (y/n)'s race.
After checking in, we all go into our respective rooms. Tzuyu's is on my left, while Jihyo sleeps on my right.
I get the charger out of my pocket, needing to charge my phone.
Exhausted, I let myself fall into the soft cushions on the bed. A tired smile forms on my face.
If only (y/n) could be here. I haven't seen him in so long. I miss him so much. We could explore the city after our concert, if he was here. We could eat at great restaurants, maybe even check out a museum. (Y/n) might even look for a race track in the area. Even if it's just for fun.
I chuckle as I think about him. His habits seem weird to others, but I just find him funny.
I didn't realize that I fell asleep, until I hear someone knocking on my door.
It takes me a moment to get up. Is that Tzuyu? She sounds worried. Which is not like her.
I open the door, looking at her face. Her eyes are red, tears on her cheeks.

Hi, everyone!
I hope you are doing alright.
I saw that Hamilton is going to Ferrari in 2025. What do you guys think about that?
Since I can remember, Hamilton has always played a big role at Mercedes. I've never seen him drive for another team. So I'm interested to see how he looks in red.
But who is gonna be the other Mercedes driver then? Do you guys think that Sainz is going to switch seats with Hamilton? Or is it gonna be Alonso, maybe? I think his contract expires too at the end of the year.
What about (y/n)? Do you think he could have a shot in 2025?
Let me know in the comments. I'm interested in what you guys think.
Stay healthy!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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