Finish line

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Perspective: Nayeon

"Nayeon unnie! Come over here!"
I turn around as I hear Dahyun calling me. She is standing next to the members of Dreamcatcher, who are focused on a monitor in front of them. Walking towards them, I try to peek. What are they watching?
"Check it out. It's Gahyeon's brother's debut."
I look at the girl with black hair in surprise.
"Your brother is an idol as well? I didn't know."
"No he isn't."
Gahyeon points at the monitor.
"He is a race car driver."
Although she replies proudly, I can see a small frown on her face. She looks a bit concerned.
"Can you turn up the volume?"
"If you wouldn't talk all the time, we wouldn't have to turn it up, Bora unnie."
"Ya! Siyeon!"
I smile at them both fighting, while Handong turns up the volume. Now I can hear the commentator.
"Out of the pit lane is coming the second Williams, while the other one is still in the barrier."
I see a blue and white car driving towards the next corner. The only thing that is recognisable from the driver is his helmet. It is completely black. On the right side is a golden lion engraved. On the other side a golden thirteen. The glass is tinted purple.
"There goes (y/n) Lee into turn two! After his teammate Albon and Haas' Schumacher are out, he is now up into sixteenth place."
The camera angle changes. Now it shows the inside of his cockpit. I can't see his face through the tinted glass. Then I hear another voice. It wasn't clear. It sounded like it came from a radio.
"You are p16. P16. Five seconds behind Tsunoda. Push on now. Push on."

"Until now it's a pretty clean performance by Lee! This is his first race in Formula One, but you can already see he has potential!"
As I look over I can see Gahyeon smiling proudly. I feel happy for her and her brother.
"Nayeon! Your make up!"
"Gotta go."
I scramble away. Dahyun follows me.

Perspective: (y/n)

"That's the checkered flag, mate."
I sigh in relief as I cross the finish line.
"That is p16."
"I'm sorry guys. I should've overtaken the car in front."
"No worries mate. No worries. Great performance today."
I can't help but smile. Now I'm a real f1 driver. Right before the race started, I still thought I was dreaming. Not anymore though. And it feels great. At first I thought my first race was gonna be a disaster. But now I'm way more confident. I didn't just finish the race, I actually came in sixteenth! I only overtook one car, but it still counts as a great result for my first time. It sucks though, that I wasn't able to get past Tsunoda. I should definitely work on that. As I stop the car completely, I think about the next location I'm going to go to. I got a day of vacation on Monday. Well, it's not actually a vacation. I have business meeting with a sponsor. But after that I can spend the rest of the day with Gahyeon before flying to Abu dabi for the next race.

After walking out of the my box, I'm greeted with a few reporters. Mike looks at me.
"I know you don't really like to talk much. But you need to say at least something. Especially at your first race."
With a shrug, I keep walking until I'm standing face to face with the reporters.
"Do you have time?"
I nod.
They immediately bombard me with questions.
"How does it feel to be an f1 driver?"
"Are you satisfied with your performance today?"
"I could have done better."
After I answer there is always a second of silence, because they think I'm gonna talk more. I just wait for the next question.
"Why weren't you able to overtake Tsunoda?"
"Not quick enough."
"Are you expecting to get a better result next week?"
"I will try my best."
"What do you think off the car?"
"It's working."
After a bunch of questions, they seemed to get a bit annoyed by my short answers.
"I'm sorry but we have to leave now."
Mike interrupts and guides me past the reporters.
"We are gonna have a meeting and afterwards you are free. Tomorrow morning we will take the plane early. Don't sleep too long."

While waiting for my luggage, I look around. We just landed in Korea. Gahyeon said she was going to pick me up, but I don't see her yet.
Once I get my bag me and Mike walk towards the exit. A twelve year old boy walks in our direction. Suddenly his eyes grow wide and he runs towards me.
"C-Can I have an autograph?"
"Yeah sure. Why not?"
I ask Mike for a pen and a piece of paper, before I start to write.
"What's your name?"
I sign the paper and give it to him.
"Thank you very much!"
He bows and runs away towards his parents.
I just wave.
At first I was a bit confused, but now I feel proud. That boy wanted to have my autograph. Although I only drove one race. I smile as I look at Mike. He looks a bit confused. That's when I realize the boy and I spoke in korean. I didn't even notice the change of language, but Mike didn't know what we were saying.
"Let's go."
Once we are outside, I try to call Gahyeon.
"Noona, are you here yet?"
"Yes were are you?"
"At the exit."
"Okay. I will be there. I think I already see you."
Only a second after I hang up, I hear a scream from the left. When I turn around I only see a woman running towards me. A blink of an eye later she hugs me tightly.
"(Y/n)! I missed you."
"Me too."
"How are you feeling?"
I just nod.
Gahyeon shakes her head.
"You are still pretty silent. You should talk more."
She playfully slaps my arm before guiding us towards a van. A man sits in the driver seat, while three girls sit in the back.


Hey, guys! Thank you all for reading. Since I don't know yet, what the cars are gonna look like this season, I just used the last once. As soon as I know I will change it if necessary.

Please vote and give me some helpful feedback so that I can improve my writing.
Have nice day!

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