F****ng gravel

442 14 2

Perspective: Nayeon

I walk up to the door after hearing the doorbell. Pressing the speaker button, I talk to the delivery guy outside.
"Please put it outside. I will get it in a minute."
Since me, Momo, Mina and Tzuyu were tested positive, we are now in quarantine. Because of that we order food and ask the people bringing it to put it outside. Momo ordered food for us a few minutes ago, but this does seem to be too fast. After opening the door I see it's a big box. I take it inside.
"Did someone order something?"
The girls come out of their rooms to check what I'm talking about.
"I didn't."
"You girls?"
Mina and Tzuyu shake their heads.
Since there is no name on the box, except the address of this apartment I open it to see what's inside. I hear Momo shouting in delight when we look inside the box. Bags of snacks and candies. They are all from different countries. Some had something written in Spanish on them, others in English, German and French.
While Tzuyu and Momo take out some of the bags and start eating, me and Mina look around, trying to find out who send the box. On the bottom is a typed letter. Unfolding it, I start to read out loud.
"Hello, Nayeon, Momo, Mina and Tzuyu.
I heard about you guys on the news and wanted to wish you a quick recovery. Since I got Covid last year as well, I know how boring it is in quarantine. To make time a little sweeter, I send you stuff to eat to pass the time.
Eat up."
"That's so nice."
I can see some of the German chocolate in her mouth as Momo speaks up.
"It doesn't say who send this?"
Mina takes the piece of paper out of my hand.
"No. But it must be someone we know since they knew this address."

Perspective: (y/n)

I stay right behind Magnussen as the race starts. I can't pull ahead going into turn one, because he has the inside line. I'm still behind when he goes wheel to wheel with Hamilton. Suddenly the Haas leaves the track in layer of dust. Barely avoiding getting hit, I stay on the track. Because I was focused on the cars in front, I miss my braking point into the next corner. I slide onto the gravel at turn four.
I slowly get back onto the track, but I now lost several positions.
"How are the tyres?"
"They are fine, mate. You are now in p17 behind Vettel."
Cursing at myself , I check my rear mirror too see where Alonso is. Unfortunately he is right behind me. Going through the next few corners his front tyres almost touch my rear but I manage to hold my position. When we get onto the straight, I start to pull ahead.
"Vettel is one second ahead."
Going through turns 10 to 16 I break as late as possible, trying to make up some time. I start the second lap right behind Vettel. I get into his slipstream and pick up even more pace. Vettel defends the inside line so I have to go around on the outside. Getting better traction out of the first two corners, I start to inch ahead as we go into turn three. This time I brake early enough, as we go into turn four, remembering the last lap. Now I've got the inside line and use it to my advantage. Pushing the Aston Martin wide, I get ahead during the next couple of turns, until we go onto the straight.

Lap 7:

"Sainz seems to have dropped it in the gravel at turn four."
When I go around turn three I see the Ferrari getting back on track. Between him and me are still the two AlphaTauris and Ocon.

Lap 25:

"Box and pit confirm, please (y/n). Box and pit confirm."
I'm now ahead of the AlphaTauris and start to chase after Ocon now. Because he hasn't pitted either yet, he needs to box this lap as well.
"What's the gap?"
"Three seconds."
I'm not close enough for DRS yet, but if I make up some pace we might switch in the pits.
"His pace is slower than yours."
Throughout this lap I keep on gaining on Ocon. He really does seem pretty slow to me as I keep closing the gap between us.
When we go into the last corner, I'm right behind his rear.
Come on, boys. Please.
As I come to hold, I pray for the best pit stop. A moment later I start driving again. I'm now right next to Ocon in the pit lane. I'm on his left side as we come back on the track. We are going wheel to wheel until we go into turn one. Then Ocon pushes me wide. He pushes me so wide, that I go off the track. I barely manage to keep the car under control. Because I have the inside line in turn two, my front wing gets ahead off his.
"What the hell was that?!"
"Don't worry. We are reporting."
Although I go the long way around the outside in turn three, I still keep ahead and manage to overtake him.

Lap 30:

I'm now setting after Norris. Ocon is still pretty close to me. Somehow he kinda manages to hold on.
"Norris is four seconds ahead."
"1.4 seconds behind."
I make my way through turn four, when I hear Mike over the radio once again.
"We have got a five second time penalty."
"What the fuck?! Why?!"
"Race control says you overtook Ocon off the track."
"That's bullshit! He forced me off!"
"I know mate. I tried to argue, but this is already final."
"I can't believe this."
"Just keep pushing. Try to be ahead by more than five seconds."
So that's what it is now? For the rest of the race? The only goal? To be as fast as possible so I stay ahead of Ocon?
What a fucking disaster!

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