Chase me

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Perspective: (Y/n) four months ago

I keep walking, while trying to cover my face with my cap. Since I'm on my way to do not so legal thinks, I don't want to be recognized. Not many people no me, although I'm Dreamcatcher Gahyeon's younger brother. Not many people have seen my face. But a few did. It would be hurting her image very much, if the world would find out, that her adoptive brother is a professional car thief.
I stop in my tracks, when I see the house a bit down the road. On its driveway stands the object of my desire.

 On its driveway stands the object of my desire

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Actually the object of desire for my client. I don't steal cars and sell them. People come to me, if they want a certain car. I bring it to them.
This is a relatively easy job. No high walls, no cameras, nothing. The car isn't in my usual price range though. I'm used to steal more expensive cars, with better security. At first I didn't want to except the job, but my buyer offered me a ridiculously high amount of money. After a bit of research, I found out, the buyer knows the owner of the car. Maybe he wants to mess with him?
I look around carefully, while walking towards the house. No one is on the streets. Since it's past 10pm already, it's normal. There aren't any lights on in the house. Next to the Tesla I see another spot for another car. My research paid of once again. I found out, that the owner and his wife have some sort of event going on tonight. That's why nobody should be home.
I walk over to the car and start working. After opening the door, I get in and search for the right spot in the car. Finding the wires, I try to start it. When the engine wakes up, I curse to myself. The headlights paint the driveway in light, that is almost as bright as the day.
A second later, I hear a window being opened. I look up and see a man looking outside. The owner?
As if I would.
I close the door. Once I adjust the car to my liking, I start to roll out of the driveway. At that moment a man and a woman come out of the house. They are both running towards me. Both in nothing else than bathrobes. I do recognize the owner. But that woman? No clue. That's definitely not his wife.
I just shake my head as I get onto the street and start driving.
After making a few turns, I stop the car in a small alley. I grab my bag from the passenger seat and get out. The bag contains things, which I need if something goes wrong. The owner probably called the police. They might search for me already. Means I have to change the car.
Opening the bag, I take out a screw driver and two metal objects. License plates. I swap the one in the front first, than the other one. I stuff the old ones in my bag and get back in the car. Usually that does it to escape the cops.

Unfortunately I never stole a Tesla before. That means I don't know if and where a tracker could be. I did however try my luck on other electric cars already. That's why everything would have gone smoothly, if the owner wouldn't have cheated on his wife.
After pulling out of the alley, I keep driving towards central London. Making a turn to the right, I see a police car driving on the opposite lane. I try to act as calm as possible. I was in this kind of situation hundreds of times already. But everytime is a challenge. Once I pass the cops I relax my tense shoulders a bit. Seems like they aren't looking for me.

After a few minutes of driving, I get more comfortable by the second. It looks like everything goes according to plan. Taking another corner, I suddenly feel a shiver go down my spine. Two police cars are coming my way. Looking at the rear view mirror, I see another one a few houses behind me.
Seems like I have problem. Is it possible the car has a tracker? The easiest way to find that out is to stop the car and search everything. I can't do that though, if I'm facing three police cars.
I keep on driving down the road. The cops in front of me start their sirens. I step on the gas pedal. They both make a sharp turn after I get past them. The three cars behind me start to follow me.
I have to come up with something.
I make a few more turns, without my foot leaving the gas. I try to find something, while typing on the dashboard. Maybe I can just deactivate the tracker. Nothing.
While keeping my eyes on the road, I search for the manual in the glove compartment. Once I find it, I try to scan through it. As you can imagine, it's nearly impossible to drive and to shake off the police while reading a manual. Somehow I caught a glimpse of the word "tracker". I try to read the section it's in but I can't really focus.
After another turn, I finally make it onto a bridge. Luckily the cars on it already moved aside after hearing the sirens. I'm able to shift my focus a bit more onto reading. While driving over the bridge, my eyes fly from the road ahead off me to the book in my hand and back. Just before reaching the end, I read the hole section. Now I know what I need to do.
Throwing the book aside, I swap lanes. Now I'm going in the opposite direction off the traffic. It's much harder and dangerous, but I need to get more distance between me and the cops. A car almost crashes into me, after coming out of a driveway. I barely manage to steer to the left and avoid it. A few cars later, I make another turn and take the left lane again. Not seeing the police behind me, I slow down a bit. Shifting my focus back onto the dashboard, I type until finding the right button. Two words appear in front of me, which make me smile.
"Tracker deactivated"
From now on its gonna be a peace of cake.

An hour later, I reach the spot where my client is supposed to wait for me. Driving through the huge door, I enter a warehouse at the docks. As I see a car on the other end, I slow down until coming to a stop. Two men are waiting for me. I start to get annoyed. Today was a shitty day anyways. Now that guy brought a friend with him? I sigh in frustration, while getting out of the car. I put on a mask and pull down my cap, before walking towards them.
"Hello my friend!"
My client seems to be happy I'm here.
"Dude! Why did you bring someone with you? This is business."
"Relax. He is here because of you."
I take a step back.
"What do you mean?"
The stranger walks into the light. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"I'm impressed."
He turns towards my client.
"You were right. His driving is incredible."
"Who the fuck are you?"
He makes another step forward and offers me his hand.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Mike."

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