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Perspective: (y/n)

I walk through the aisle while I look for a few peaches. Those are the last things on my shopping list. I walk towards the fruit section. Suddenly someone bumps into me. I loose my balance, but I manage to avoid falling onto my butt. The woman who is sitting on the floor now, looks up at me. Her brown hair cascades over her face due to the fall. Except for her eyes, I don't see much of her because she wears a mask.
I stretch out my hand and help her getting up from the floor. She dusts off her clothes and looks at me.
I'm able to see her brown eyes when she pushes her hair out of her face. She does seem to look really beautiful, although I can't see much of her face except the eyes.
"Are you hurt?"
Her English surprises me. Not because she can speak English, but because she doesn't talk to me in Korean. Maybe that's because I'm not Korean. She probably thinks I'm just here on vacation.
I shake my head.
"I'm fine. Sorry for running into you."
I wave it off too tell her it's not a problem. At that moment another woman runs around the corner. Before one of us can react, she runs into me. I instinctively wrap my arms around her and balance us so we wouldn't fall onto the floor as well.
I hear the other girl's shout.
As soon as I'm stable again, I slowly push Kazuha off of me.
"I'm sorry."
She wears a mask as well but she seems to blush and looks away.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, thank you."
I didn't bother speaking in Korean because they both speak English.
"I will be on my way then."
I walk past the two girls and scan the section for the peaches.

Perspective: Yunjin

I look after the man the both off us bumped into. He wears a casual outfit. The way he is dressed signals he doesn't want to get recognized. Black jeans and a white shirt with a leather jacket on top. His white cap covers the top part of his face so his eyes are lying the dark.
Did we just run into someone famous?
I shake my head. I don't recognize him and by the way Kazuha acts she doesn't seem to know him as well. Her cheeks do seem to be redder than usual though.
She shakes my shoulder.
"Come on! We are late for the jacket shoot."
She walks into another aisle and picks up the bag of food we left to get some snacks. We hurriedly make our way towards the counter and are greeted by the back off the man we just bumped into. Although he doesn't seem to be much older than me he does look very mature. When I looked at him while I sat on the floor, his eyes sparkled with amusement and I almost thought he was going to laugh at me.

Once he is done, we pay as well and walk out of the store behind him. I tap on his shoulder and he turns around. For a moment he looked like he was caught but he regained his poker face quickly.
"I wanted to apologize again."
"It's no problem."
He smiles at the two of us and walks away. Kazuha and I walk in the opposite direction. After a while we can see the racing circuit ahead of us. I check my phone.
Just in time!
We walk towards the place were our shooting is taking place.
"Yes! Food!"
Sakura walks towards us. Her eyes only on the bag in my hands.

Perspective: (y/n)

After eating lunch, I collect the dishes and put them into the sink.
"Are you coming?"
Mike walks out of one off the bedrooms with his bag in his hand.
As we walk down the stairs of the building he scrolls through his phone and shows me an article afterwards.
"They already talk about what happened and mention the replacement but no details about you."

Seven days earlier:

"I know your contract ended only three days ago, on Sunday, but I hope we can make this work."
I nod as I look over to Mike, signaling him too speak.
"First off all I wanted to thank you that you offering me a place as well."
He gets interrupted.
"That wasn't a hard decision to make. Although (y/n) said he won't be signing until you are on the team as well, your skills speak for themselves and we are happy to see you here today."
The man on the other side off the table looks at me.
"It isn't in the news yet, but I already told you that we have a big problem. Since Valtteri broke his foot last evening he won't be able to drive for a while. I have watched the way you drive and I see a great potential in you.
Before we sign the contract though, I want to to make sure you are aware off the conditions."
Before Mike can answer for me I reply.
"Don't worry. I will score points."
"You weren't able to do so in a Williams,"
That hurts.
"but I assure you, our team and our car will make you a faster."
After me and Mike both sign our contracts Vasseur stands up to shake our hands.
"Welcome to Alfa Romeo Racing."


"So nothing about me yet?"
"No. He told us he wants to build up tension. That's good for him and you as well."
I shrug my shoulders while walking next to him on the side of the road.
"I don't care for all the media stuff."
"I know you just wanna race, but this will make you even more famous."
"I'm not famous."
"What about the boy at the airport?"
"That was one kid."
"Don't worry."
He pats my shoulder while we walk into one of the buildings next to the Korean International Circuit.
"You will be a star."
Because I need to get a feel for the Alfa Romeo car and because I never raced in Miami, me and Vasseur agreed that I should practice here until the day before I have to fly to the states. He gave me enough people from the team to be able to prepare myself for the weekend and to improve.
After changing into my suit, I take a glance out of the window before walking downstairs.
"I thought we had the track for ourselves again today."
"We have to wait for a few more minutes. They will take a break soon, so we can get a few laps in until they resume with their photoshoot."
While I walk through the pit lane towards the box in which the car is getting ready, I see the cameramen and the staff packing their equipment and entering the pit lane as well. In the middle of all, six girls which are wearing racing outfits and are wrapped in blankets.
Once I get into the garage I see Rachel with my helmet in her hands. I put it on and get into the car. The team straps me in. They already took off the tire blanket, so I'm ready to go.
Mike walks over to the other side of the pit lane to monitor my every move.
Alex stands in front of me. Before signaling me to go, he looks to the left and right to make sure I won't hit someone.

Author's note:
Hello everyone!
I was going to upload a chapter today anyways, but after I watched Le sserafim's jacket shooting I got really inspired. If you want too, you can check it out as well as their album. I really liked the MV and I hope they continue like this.


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