
592 14 8

Perspective: Nayeon

"This is incredible!"
Tzuyu jumps around in delight, as she takes a look out of the window.
I smile at her behavior.
It seems like Tzuyu is way more excited about (y/n)'s surprise then anyone else.

I still can't believe that we are here. The screens in the room show a live coverage of the race that is about to start. When I look out of the window, I see the cars already lining up.
"Isn't this way too dangerous?"
Jihyo looks outside with a concerned expression on her face. The track is completely wet. Although I never drove as fast as these guys do, I know that driving in the wet is dangerous.
Tzuyu turns around.
"The possibility that a couple of cars will have to retire is pretty high."
"Then why are you smiling?"
Tzuyu winks at me.
"That will make it easier for (y/n)."
"As long as he doesn't crash as well, right?"
I share Jihyo's concerns. Although I hope (y/n) will be fine, I'm more afraid then usual.

"Come on! The race will start soon!"
Sana is sitting in a comfortable chair with a good view of the screens. While the others take a seat as well, me and Tzuyu stay in front of the window. I want to make sure that (y/n) will do well at the start. This is probably the most dangerous moment of the race, because all the cars are so close.

I look down onto the cars, searching for (y/n). He said he is in the first of the two Alfa Romeos. When I find him, I count the cars in front of him. 9. (Y/n) is in tenth place already.
"Don't you still get points when you are in tenth?"
Tzuyu tears her eyes away from the cars.
"Yes, but not a lot. I hope (y/n) drives well today. This might be a rare opportunity."
Although I honestly wish that (y/n) will do well, I'm still afraid that something will happen. I never had this before. He is the first person I can't stop worrying about.
Tzuyu must have seen what I'm thinking, 'cause she puts a hand on my shoulder.
"He will be fine. Just try to enjoy this."
I nod in agreement, trying to blend out my bad thoughts.
When I look at (y/n)'s car once more, I see his helmet moving. I wish I could see his face right now. His reserved attitude always makes me calm. Although I'm not sure if he is actually looking up, I try to smile at him happily.
"Good luck, (y/n). "
I whisper while giving him a little wave.

When he moves again, I see that he is holding out his hand. Looking closer, I see what he is doing. A finger heart. My smile widens. He can see me. I mouth "Fighting!" and bump my fist in the air. (Y/n) gives me a thumbs up, before he seems to turn back towards the lights, which are being turned on one by one.

I keep staring at (y/n)'s helmet, until I hear the tv behind me.
"It's lights out! And away we go!"
As soon as the cars start driving, I can't see the road anymore. The spray of the water is blocking the sight of the cars. I can only hear the roars of the engines.
By the time they go into turn one, I've already lost sight of (y/n). I can't see his car, but it looks like someone else is out. A green car is sliding off the road.
Once we can't see the cars anymore, me and Tzuyu walk back to the others. On the screen we are seeing that everyone is going slower because of a safety car.
It seems like (y/n) got a good start though, because he is already in 8th place.
When they show Gasly's replay, I can't believe my eyes. Everything is white. The spray of the water is making all the drivers practically blind. They can't even see what is going on in front of them. How are they supposed to react if they can't look ahead?

The cars start the second lap behind the safety car as they drive past us. (Y/n) is still in 8th. I'm relived that he is okay for now. I hope it stays that way. I don't think I will be able to go through another big crash.

"What does the red flag mean?"
Momo's question is directed at Tzuyu. The young girl's mouth escapes a disappointed sigh.
"It means the race is suspended."
"That was it?"
Momo looks at us in surprise.
"No. They will probably keep going when the weather is better."

Tzuyu exclaims, when one of the Red Bulls comes around the last corner. They will now start racing again. I hope (y/n) will be okay.
Yoda looks down on the cars that are driving past. When my gaze falls onto a pair of headsets, I walk over.
"What is this?"
"I don't know. Try it."
Tzuyu takes one for herself and the two of us put on the headphones.
For a while we hear nothing. I'm already about take them off, when I hear someone's voice.
"Box and pit confirm next lap, (y/n). Box and pit confirm."

Heartbeat (Im Nayeon X Male Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz