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Perspective: (y/n)

"I don't think this is a good idea."
"How come?"
"Because it's dangerous?"
"There is nothing dangerous about this."
"What if someone sees us?"
I roll my eyes at her.
"Don't worry."
Nayeon shakes her head.
"I can't do this."
She looks at me with disappointment in her eyes.
"Trust me. I really want to. But you know just as well as me, that this isn't a good idea."
"Don't you want to spend more time with me?"
"I do. But I can't come with you."
"Why not?"
"Because people could see us. It is different from when we watched you race in Japan. We had an event there. But if someone sees me in Bahrain? With you? I think they would catch on pretty quick."
I slump down back onto the bed. I haven't seen Nayeon for a while now. Because of the preparations for pre season testing and everything, I wasn't able to meet her. I just wish we could spend more time together.
Since we finished the testing, I hoped I could visit Nayeon. But unfortunately, my girlfriend has a busy schedule on her own.
"I just really miss you."
"I miss you, too. But I'm afraid the two of us can't meet right now."
I sigh.
I don't know what has come over me since Nayeon and me are officially in a relationship, but I have never acted like this before. I never had a girlfriend, but I still thought that my life would go on the way it did before. But I was wrong. I don't know if it's our relationship or because of Nayeon talking so much, but I have been more talk active as well.
Mike looked at me in surprise, when I told him a funny story about me and Gahyeon. I was always the quiet type.

Speaking of Mike. He is currently knocking on my hotel door.
"I have to go, Nayeon. Me and Mike are going to have breakfast."
I'm surprised to see Nayeon glaring at me.
"What is it?"
"You aren't supposed to do that!"
"What? Eat breakfast?"
Nayeon shakes her head vigorously.
"Don't call me by my name."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm your girlfriend. You have to call me sweetie, or baby or something else."
I think for a moment.
"How about 'love' then?"
I see Nayeon blushing. I guess I picked a good one.
"Goodbye, love."
I see Nayeon smile from ear to ear as I finish the video call.
"Are you still sleeping?"
I open the door after hearing Mike's question.
"I'm hungry."
He agrees and the two of us head towards breakfast.

I nod at Yuki, when he sits down next to me. His plate is completely full. It looks like some of his bacon is about to fall.
"Need a hand with that?"
I take the bacon and put it in my mouth.
Yuki glares at me.
"You should respect your elders."
"I do. But not you."
He rolls his eyes at me before he begins to eat.
The two of us have gotten pretty close over the long brake. It has made the long hours in front of the driving simulator at the headquarters more bearable. The two of us joke around and enjoy each other's company. Since we actually live pretty close to one another now, we even hang out outside of work.
After asking for his help, Yuki gladly began to teach me some Japanese. Although I already know a lot of languages, it's always helpful to know more. And it's always funny to annoy Mike, when we we speak in Japanese in front of him.
I had the idea, after Yuki and I had an interview with a Japanese television channel. I felt kinda awkward, because the interviewer had to talk in broken English with me, while he had fun with Yuki in Japanese.
Although I didn't mind that Yuki did most of the talking, I still felt a little uncomfortable.
"Are you nervous about this weekend?"
I shrug my shoulders.
"Why would I be?"
"Because it's your first race with AlphaTauri. And your first one in Sakhir."
"I think you should be the one to worry."
Yuki looks up from his plate.
"Because I'm going to beat you."
I chuckle as he just rolls his eyes.
Before he can counter me, Mike steps in.
"The two of you know, that you shouldn't get involved so much during the races. You are allowed to fight each other, but still. It wouldn't look good for the team, if the two of you would compromise each other's success."
Yuki said it in Japanese, so Mike doesn't understand what he said exactly. But he looks like he got it.
"I'm serious. (Y/n), you remember your fights with Bottas? If you and Yuki come together too often, one of you might get replaced by some else."
I raise my arms in defeat.
Mike seems to be satisfied with that for now. He checks his watch before getting up.
"We have to go, (y/n)."
I stand up and follow him. I don't like photoshoots, but I guess I have to do them.

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