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Perspective: (y/n)

"How is the radio? Can you hear me?"
"Positive, (y/n). Everything is okay."
I see Mike turn around at the pit wall.
"Show 'em what you got."
I give him a thumbs up, before I step on it.
With squeaking tyres, my new car leaves the garage.
A week earlier we used the track here for pre season testing. I didn't give a hundred percent, since I still have to get used to the car a little. Every constructor builds his car a little different, so I have to forget some of the things I learned while driving for Romeo.
The testing is for the teams to see if their new cars are any good before the start of the new season. And other teams can see how well their competitors are doing.

During practice yesterday, I used a button wrong and almost hit the wall. It was a close one, but I managed to rescue the car. It just shows how hard it is to get used to a new car, but I'm now getting the hang of it. The sessions yesterday weren't as successful as I hoped, but that just gives me the opportunity to surprise everyone now.

"The road ahead is clear."
I hear Mike over the radio again.
Stopping at the exit of the pit lane, I prepare for a practice start.
"Car behind is Alonso. Please hurry up."
I see the Aston Martin approaching through the pit lane in my wing mirror.
Taking a deep breath, I step on the throttle.
The AlphaTauri shoots out of the pit lane and onto the circuit. It takes me only a second, until I reach the first corner. I can already feel, that it's going to be better than yesterday.

"Alright, mate. This is your last flying lap."
Mike sounds excited.
"This is your last chance into q3."
I round the last corner, ready to give it everything.
"Hülkenberg is currently tenth. His time is 1:32.216."
As soon as I cross the line, I don't hear anything from Mike. He realized that it has no effect if he talks while I'm in qualifying, so he stays quiet. At least until the end of my hot laps.
The first three corners rush past me in the blink of an eye. I use the advantage of DRS, while flying down the straight.
Going through turn five I do hear Mike's voice.
I blend everything out and focus on the lap. I hear him say something, but I don't understand it.
Seeing sparks fly through the air in my mirrors, I blast down the next straight. After closing my rear wing, I drive past the breaking point I set for myself, before I do break.
I haven't driven as fast with this car, as I need to now. If I want to beat Hülkenberg, I have to beat myself.
Breaking later than usual makes the car get closer towards the track limit. I can already see me in the sand, as I feel the car protesting against my driving.

There isn't a big crowd watching the qualifying, but I do hear loud gasps. Sand is kicked up by my right hand tyres, as I get partially onto the sand.
I keep the car under control and head towards the next corner. This should save me maybe one or two tenths.

Coming out of turn twelve, I din't hear Mike's voice. It must mean it wasn't a purple sector. There are only the corners to go, where I could mess this up.

I feel like my vision is literally reduced to  only the part where I can see the track. Over the last months, I have practiced this so often with the simulator. I crashed countless times, always trying to improve my time. But in the real car, crashing is not an option right now.
I leave the 13th turn in the perfect angle, as I get onto the straight.
I keep on going once more at the end of the straight, driving past my original breaking point. Going through the corner, I feel like the rear is about to brake out. I try to hold the car in place with all my might. Luckily, turns 14 and 15 are fast and short turns. The little slide of my rear might actually give me a little advantage, as I take the last corner.
Now I do nothing else, but stepping onto the throttle as hard as I can.
I can barely see the finish line, as I fly over it. My heart races, adrenaline making it go faster.
"Two purple sector, mate."
I can't believe what Mike's saying.
"That's p5 for now. You are in q3!"
I let out a relieved laugh, before slowing down at the end of the main straight.
I was the one of the last cars to start their hot lap right before time was up. Only Gasly and Leclerc are still on the clock.
"Your time is 1:30.687. Nice job!"

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