
361 17 1

Perspective: (y/n)

"Can I get some gimbab as well?"
Once the waitress is gone, I put my head into my hands.
"Are you okay?"
Shrugging my shoulders, I take my glass into my hand. Suddenly Gahyeon grabs it.
"You aren't going to drink, until you tell me how you feel."
"I'm fine."
I try to push her hand away.
"You can't be fine."
Ignoring her, I look into my glass.
"I'm thirsty."
Gahyeon lets go and I finally get to drink.
"You are my little brother. I just want to make sure you are fine."
I look around the restaurant, trying to get out of this conversation.
The season is currently on a break until the next race in Belgium. I haven't raced in the last two races after the incident with Valtteri. Except for meeting with Gahyeon, I haven't done anything else then working out and practicing with simulators. Although I haven't even driven on the circuits of the upcoming races, I know all of them completely due to the training. While Mike went home to see his family, I wanted to visit mine. I have to go to the Orlen headquarters in a few days.
Once the food finally arrives, I dig in before Gahyeon can say another word. She is worried about me. And when that happens, she starts talking a lot. Although I love her, I need silence to think about my future.
"Do you at least know when you will race next?"
I shake my head before having some of the bulgogi.
I'm surprised at Gahyeon's sudden outburst.
"Why don't you just leave the team? I'm sure there are others who want you! Or make your own team!"
I smile at Gahyeon's words.
"I'm fine noona."
She just rolls her eyes and continues to eat.

While going for a run, I see the sun rising. It is pretty quiet on the country side. I decided to stay at a hotel outside of Seoul and I can confidently say that it was a good choice. The trees throw their shadows onto the dusty road as I run past them. No one except me is awake this early in the morning. Hearing the birds in the trees call each other, I think about the future events. Gahyeon told me to find another team. Easier said then done. I'm already in my second team within one year. I don't think it is wise for me to switch teams too often. Plus, there is probably no one who wants me. The only offer I got when I left Williams was from Alfa Romeo. I would rather be a back up driver, before I leave f1. Although I want to race on a regular basis and not only when the other two are sick or something.
Leaving the forest behind me, I get onto a better road. I start to see a car once in a while, but it's still to early for traffic.
As I keep running, I see two vans on the side of the road. Getting closer, I immediately realize why they stopped. Yesterday a truck drove past when I went for a run as well. It was carrying nails, which weren't safely secured. When I saw some of them fall down, I tried to pick them up, so no one would get hurt, but it seems like the truck dropped some here as well.
Coming closer, I see two women trying to change the tyres with, what seems like a YouTube video.
"Can I help you?"
I stop and look at them.
"Yes, please. We are already late. But we can't get the wheels off."
"May I?"
I reach into the trunk of the last van to get all of the equipment. Luckily only one tyre per car got hit by the nails.
"You have to be careful here."
I talk while starting to change the tyres on the first van.
"Someone lost a lot of nails as they came through here yesterday."
Working on the car brings back the memories of late nights in the Alfa Romeo garage. Although this right here is a lot simpler, it's still fun for me.
As I begin to change the tyre on the second car, two girls come out of the first van.
"Don't worry. We are almost done. This nice young man is helping us fixing the tyres."
"That is great! Thank you so much!"
I turn my head in surprise, when I hear her voice. Tzuyu?
When our eyes meet, the young woman to my left covers her mouth with her hand.
"Oh my god! It's so nice to see you again!"
Tzuyu takes a step forward, ready to give me a hug. I show her my hands, making it clear that they are dirty.
When I finally look at the person next to Tzuyu, my heart stops.
Im Nayeon is standing in front of me. Her black hair is flowing down her bare shoulders. Her hands are intertwined with each other as she looks at me. When our eyes meet, it seems like Nayeon's cheeks turn red. I feel it getting warmer as I stare at her.
"You should take pictures off each other."
Tzuyu laughs at us and makes us both smile awkwardly.
"It is nice to see you again."
I smile at the two of them.
"I really liked your solo album. I listen to it all the time."
Nayeon slightly bows.
"Thanks a lot. I like looking at you."
You are surprised for a moment.
"I-i mean I like watching you on tv."
"Ah, I see. So, you are watching f1?"
"From time to time."
It seems like Nayeon is too shy to look at me after saying she enjoys it.
"The two of us watch together."
I look at Tzuyu.
"I see. I really like your blonde hair by the way."
"Well, thank you."
Tzuyu gives me a playful wink.
"We have to leave now. We are already late."
The two women who seem to be their managers are getting into the cars. Tzuyu enters one of the vans as well. Nayeon bows at me one more time, before she turns away.
This is my chance!
I slightly touch her shoulder. Nayeon turns around.
"Would you like to meet up for some coffee? As you probably know, I'm on break right now."
I realize how fast I started to speak, and stop talking. Afraid Nayeon will say no, I bite my lip.
"I would love that."
She smiles at me.
"How about tomorrow? I could meet you near your dorm at nine."
"Are you trying to find out where I live?"
I chuckle at her joke before handing her my phone.
"Let's decide on the place later."
While she puts her number in, I can't help but check out her facial features.
Giving the phone back, Nayeon looks at me.
"Thank you. Noona?"
A bright smile appears on her lips, as I call her that.
"See you tomorrow."
Nayeon hurriedly enters the van.

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