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Perspective: (y/n)

"Are you sure that you need to leave already?"
"I'm sorry, noona."
I say goodbye to all members of Dreamcatcher and walk up to Mike.
"Let's go. "
He excuses himself from the person he was speaking with and follows me towards the exit. We are almost out of the club when a figure blocks our way. Walking out of the shadows I realize who she is. Her name was Sana, right?
"Hello again."
She waves at me while smiling cutely.
I nod at her and attempt to walk past her. She steps in my way and holds her hand up. I stop and look at her.
"Can I have your number? I thought you might wanna hang out with me tomorrow or on Sunday? I'm free all weekend. How about a movie or some coffee?"
I'm startled. Did Sana just ask me out? My heart starts to beat faster as I imagine a date with Sana. She isn't my bias, but it would still be incredible. She is incredible.
"I'm sorry but my weekend is packed."
She pouts at me. Damm it!
"Are you saying that because you don't wanna or is it the truth?"
"Alright. But would you still give me your number? Just in case?"
She looks at me like a cute puppy. I can't resist her. I mean how can anyone resist her?
I take the phone she is holding in her hand and put my number in it. Once I'm done I take a step back and see Sana looking at me in a weird way. She taps the call button and I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket.
"Good. I thought you might have tried to trick me."
I just shake my head.
"Okay, goodbye."
She winks at me playfully before walking away.
"I will call you soon."
I finally get out of the club.
"Wow dude. Not bad."
Mike slaps my shoulder playfully.

Perspective: Nayeon

I see Sana walking away after talking to Gahyeon's brother. I hope she didn't scare him or anything. Sana is a great person but sometimes she can be a bit overwhelming. I make my way towards her. When she sees me she starts to smile.
"I got his number."
"What? How?"
"I asked him. Turns out he is in fact not rude."
I roll my eyes at her.
"Whatever. Doesn't it concern you that he only speaks when necessary?"
"No. That way I can talk more."
She laughs at her own joke and skips away.
I can only shake my head. I can't believe this girl.

Perspective: (y/n)

" You have a grate pace right now."
I hear Mike over the radio as I enter the last section of the track.
I stay focused through out the next couple of corners. I won't be making any mistakes now. After going into turn 27, I can see the finish line. I give it everything for the last straight.
"That's Q2! Great job, mate!"
I reduce my speed since the time for getting into Q2 is over.
Last week I placed last because of an engine failure at the beginning of the session. Causing me to stay in the pit right before my first race. This time it's different. Even if I place last in the next round I would still start in 15th place. Better than my finish last weekend.

Perspective: Gahyeon

Before going to sleep I check my phone for any updates. His results should be out soon. I want to see from which position he is going to start tomorrow. Maybe he could even win?
Ah, no. (Y/n) said it's unlikely for someone to win their second race. Well, I hope he at least tries.
I'm usually not very concerned about him. Although he used to steal cars and lived far away so I barely got to see him.
This is different. I saw a clip from an accident. I think it was from two years ago? That car crashed into one of the barriers and actually caught fire. I was so worried that the driver could have been dead. I couldn't imagine how I would feel if (y/n) had a crash like that.
I shake my head to stop thinking about the danger. Scrolling down I can see they already posted the results. I cross my fingers until I see (y/n)'s result.
I shout out before bumping my fist in the air. He will start in 14th place tomorrow. Ahead of Hulkenburg and behind Bottas.
I mumble "Good luck, brother.", before putting the phone away and closing my eyes.
"Please stay safe tomorrow."

Perspective: (y/n)

While I walk on the circuit with Mike and my team to discuss our strategies for today, I feel like someone is starring at me. Turning around I don't see anyone suspicious. I try to losen up a bit. I'm not a car thief anymore. There is no reason to be nervous. Since I always wore a disguise when I stole and soled the cars, nobody would be able to identify me.
Returning my attention to the conversation, I listen to Mike as he talks me through the schedule tomorrow.

After a while we almost walked around the whole circuit. We are about to leave when I feel it again. Turning around I scan the area. Nothing. The only people around, are the teams from Ferrari and AlphaTauri. At first I don't think much of it until I can finally see the person who is looking at me. Actually it's two. One of them is a race engineer of AlphaTauri. The other one is Jody Egginton. He is the team principal.
When our eyes meet I simply nod. Egginton smiles at me slightly while nodding as well.
After turning around I can still feel them looking at my back. Are they talking about me? But why would they? It's not like I am very interesting. I only drove one race and placed 16th. One of their drivers, Yuki scored points during his first race. I still have a long way to go, before I am able to think about a middle field team. I would consider myself lucky, if I would still have a seat in this sport next season.

Heartbeat (Im Nayeon X Male Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt