Eda groans as Willow whispers. "Also the Grumpy Coven." "What was that?" Eda glared. Willow yips as the kids and King all run.

Luz stops and points. "Ooh, what's that?" "That's the Construction Coven. Willow answer. The bearded witch in a hard hat and Tinella Nosa standing next to a pallet of wood and a pallet of bricks. The witch grabs both pallets from the bottom and tosses them in the air.

The materials fall to perfectly construct a small house. "One of the main nine. They use power glyphs to increase their strength." Willow explained.

The witch removes his hard hat to pull off a power glyph from a stack atop his head. He peels the adhesive off the back of one and puts it on Tinella Nosa's nose. Her pupils constrict.

Tinella Nosa screams and picks up the witch, throwing him in the air. "HA-A-A! I'M THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS!" She grabs the Construction Coven sign and tosses it. "Hey, that's the opposite of construction!" Two witches run in to stop Tinella Nosa as she grabs a giant hammer.

"Yowza-wowza!" Luz said in amazement. A light blue double of Luz ducks out from behind her. "Yowza-wowza!" Illusion Luz said. "Yowza-wha-a-a..?" Luz says. Her illusion double walks over to two Illusion track witches. It waves at her and disappears.

Gus runs over to the other witches. "Ah! You've been taken in by the allure of the Illusionist Coven. We like to magic with a hint..." Disappears in a cloud of smoke, and reappears a few feet to the right.

"...of showmanship." He bows as the other two appear next to him.

"Wow! Acceptance? Comradery? A sense of belonging? Covens sounds incredible! Eda, why haven't you ever joined one?" Luz asked.

"Watch closely, Luz," Eda said as another illusion track that is now standing with one of the other ones. "When you join a coven, all your other magic is sealed away," Eda explained.

A seal in the shape of a mirror appears on the witch's wrist, light blue lines running from it up his arms and face. He pales slightly as the lines fade.

"From now on, that kid will only be able to make illusions. Since I never joined a coven, I can do every kind of magic." She confidently as she creates a fireball in one hand and a ball of water in the other, then makes both disappear.

"That's why I'm the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!" She walks away. Willow, Luz, Y/n, and Gus hurry after her, amazed.

"That panel looks popular," Luz said. Gus gasps. "It's the Emperor's Coven! Do you think they'll sign my forehead?" Gus ask. "Only one way to find out!" Willow, Y/n, and Gus run inside. The three witches sat down in their seats. Gus asked one of the members to sign his forehead and they agreed.

The lights dim. Principal Bump rises from the floor with spirals of green magic, a spotlight illuminating him. The audience applauds and cheers as he summons a mic. "Hello, Bonesborough! Students ask me all the time, 'Principal Bump, what's the height of magical achievement?"

"Is it this?" He said as Increased the size of his head greatly, he fell over and crushed the student next to him.

"Wow. I failed you as a principal." He grabs the mic, with some feedback. "It's being selected to join the best of the best. And there are none better than the jewel of the coven system and the enforcers of his will, the Emperor's Coven." "Whoa!" She looks to the side and waves.

Willow, Y/n, and Gus "Luz!" They point to Gus' forehead, which has been signed. (Poor kids...😔)

"Feast your eyes on this elite force, each member handpicked to help usher in a new age of controlled magic." Each coven guard traces a white spell circle above their head. One produces a jet of flame, another water, and the third is lightning.

The three elements come together in a firework that turns into confetti. The coven guards are now holding the same elements in balls between their hands.

"Members of the Emperor's Coven have access to all-yes, all forms of magic. Ooh. Aah."

"Ooh! Aah!" Audience said.

"But... only the best can ascend these ranks. Some day that could be one of you!" He points directly at Amity, who brightens and squeals. The three guards grab their capes and disappear in flashes of white light.

"And now, I'm pleased to introduce the esteemed leader of this coven and this year's mystery guest. You know her, you love her! Lilith!" Audience gasps.

A bright flash of light near the ceiling turns into a blue raven sitting on a branch. It flies off the branch to the stage, landing to reveal Lilith. It disappears with a screech as she lifts her arms and sends her mask flying. The audience applauds and cheers.

"Thank you, all." She magically sends her cape and mask back into Principal Bump. "It wasn't easy for me to rise to the top. I also started from humble beginnings."

"Like me?"

"Now I have the highest honor of enforcing the Emperor's will. So be more! The Emperor's Coven awaits you!" She spins, creating the raven illusion again. It spreads its wings before bursting into balls of light.

Lilith poses with her arms out, smirking. Eda and Luz leave, meanwhile, the other three young witches stay.

"Beloved citizens, the Emperor's Coven proudly presents an impromptu demonstration of the sort of witch we seek every year. Introducing Amity Blight." Lilith said as the crowd cheered. "Woo, Amity!" A fan cheered. "Versus.."

Eda steps out of the way and proudly presents a very nervous Luz... "Some human girl." The applause stops. "A human?" "Humans can't do magic!" "She's not Amity!"

Y/n, Willow, and Gus share a nervous look. Eda and Luz are talking for a while until the bell screams. Luz, still nervous, and Amity, confident, approach each other as the audience cheers. Amity cracks her knuckles. Luz waves.

Amity tracing out a large spell circle. "Abomination. Rise." An abomination that towers over the two girls groans as it rises out of the spell circle. Luz whimpers. "Show me what you got, human!"

"I'm not good under pressure!" She yelled as she ran. The abomination groans. It twists its head off and throws it at Luz. "Whoa!"

Its head just misses. Luz is backed against the wall by the advancing abomination, its head regrown. She sinks to the ground in fear, whimpering, and grows nervous when she realizes she's right in front of one of Eda's mounds.

She braces as the abomination steps on it. The abomination looks down as a towering jet of fire erupts from the mound. "How did you do that?" Amity asked angrily. "I, uh-"She does jazz hands. "Magic?"

King scats as he enters the theater, piled high with hats, shirts, buttons, and scarves. "Things that are free♪ People are giving offerings to me!♪" King reaches Willow, Y/n, and Gus. "I love offerings! What did I miss?"

"Luz is in a witch's duel!" Willow said concerned. "Yeah! And she win!" Y/n said. "Yeah-yeah!" Gus cheered as Y/n followed his lead. "Weh?"

After the fight was over everyone went home, unfortunately. Y/n still hadn't had to do homework.

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