Chapter One: Childhood Friends

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A young girl in her teenage years who have pearl-like skin and radiant black raven hair in a white silk dress, calling someone's name in the Kingdom of Obreon, "Kass, Where's in the kingdom of Obreon are you?"

Suddenly, she heard an explosion went off in the laboratory. "Kass," she took a breath, then exhaled, I can't believe he did it again." She rushed to the laboratory.

A teenager boy with messy light blonde and wearing goggles over his head. He walked out of the laboratory with a tattered dirty white and turned to the raven-haired girl then says, "Hey, Rori, Guess what?"

"What, Kass?"

"I guess what I figured a way to turned copper into gold," said Kass. Kassander is a prince of Obreon and only Heir to the throne. Kasander is very short for his height. He's actually eighteen as the same age of Aurora who's goes by Rori, but Some people has mistaken him because of he looks few years younger. He is very smart kid. His hazel eyes are spark of his intelligence with his unkempt hair shows his free-spirited nature.

"Were you up all night studying?" Rori asked, sitting on a table and cross her legs, looking at the older boy with a curious look.

"He grinned, "It's not study," he chuckled, walking back to the laboratory.

Rori sighs. "Oh, so you're saying it's funner than studying. Just tell me what you need from the lab." She smiled.

Kasander is always smiling like an idiot and he knows that. Ruri can't even remember what he was doing last night."Well, I just want to experiment with some chemicals and make sure they won't kill any animal or human," Kass said.

"So what is it exactly that makes you feel happy?" Ruri asked, "You're not sick, are you?"

"No, I am fine," Kass yarned then explained, " I need to find a solution to solve the money problem that villagers won't go hungry than people making profits off Dragon folks' scales."

"Well, my da is your mentor and he's the King's dragon," Rori shrugged her shoulder. Pretty much He said it was pretty painful for him when he's reverting back in his human form when he sheds his obsidian scales after your da rides him."

Rori is one of the Dragon folks and they has around before Obreon Kingdom was found by Kasander's ancestors. Dragon folks can takes on human-like appearances with radiant skins and pointed ears and illuminated eyes, but they can become serpentine-like creatures with illuminated wings and scales that made out of gemstones. Kasander's great-great grandfather has made a peace offer if the humans let the dragon folks will hunt food for them and the humans will give the dragon folks the fair share of food unless the humans to ride on them to sheds their scales to make profits to let people let use their scales to pay for their food. But in order the dragons to do that, they have do services with the kingdom. It is going on over 200 hundred years.

Rori entered the room and she completely saw the laboratory is utterly messed. Books are shattered all over the place." Do you need any help to clean up?" asked Ruri, walking toward Kass, when he is kneeling down with his touslers and picking up his chemistry set with his gloves.

She picked up a pile of books on Alchemy chemistry and chemistry then stacking on the wooden bookshelf, but one of the books has catches her eyes. It was a children's book that her grandmother gave her and she had read that book to Kass when they were little. It's full of illustrations and it tells a story about

A female dragon has lost her dragonets to hunters and she was about to lose hope, but until she tumbled upon a discovery of a human baby boy and she raised the baby as his own child. When the child grew older, his boy's adopted mother suddenly attacked by hunters and the boy sacrificed his life, but the dragon don't want to lose another child to hunters and so she decided to gave up all of her dragonessense to his adopted son to become one.
The Boy now is part dragon and part human (Kass now has preferred it as a "hybrid"). The story goes where he tries to find his place in the world that leaves him to rescued a group of Dragons and befriends human kids that their parents got captured by Dragons who were controlled by an evil witch who took over the kingdom. Then the dragon-half boy has discovered that he is a prince. It ended where the boy has united the dragons and humans to defeats the Witch to saved the kingdom, the boy became king and honor his dragon mother. The boy being a half dragon is unity, hope and peace.

Rori is amazed that Kass have her book all this time and he's having to holding on that book all these years. Ruri didn't realize that Kass has been reading this book to him every year for more than ten years, even since he was little. And the book doesn't end like how the book ends. She didn't know that she was the motherly figure in his life. She doesn't know that the book is full of love and hope and it makes her feel warm inside.

Rori wanted to ask Kass if he do have feelings for this person, she asked, "What are your feelings about Narcissa?"

Kass grabs a broomstick and starting to sweeping the remaining of his mess off the floor. He takes a breath than begins to talks : "Well, it's kinda complication. Maybe we will disguss about it around--".

Then whispers in the hallway then someone begins to banging behind the laboratory door.

"It's Greyson, your cousin!" said a male yondered voice." Your dad and I was waiting for a half hour." Then the door opens to reveal a handsome man with dark brownish blond hair that reaches his chest and dark brown eyes, wearing a black jacket over white shirt with a pair of black slacks.
Rori looked at the man and noticed him had the similar eyes and nose shape to Kass. His eyebrows looks a bit alike to Kass, but his mouth doesn't resembles Kass's.

"Alright, we will be there for few minutes," Kass said.

"You lizard," Grayson said when he turns to Rori, "You need to keep your scaly hands off him. He is going to get marry within a couple of days."

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