"You're a dead ringer for your... biological father." He looks to Romeo. "Where's the third musketeer? Still in rehab?"

"You wanna ask questions or what?" He sighs heavily.

He sits back. "Who tortured you exactly? Your police report can't be trusted as I know your family has very strong ties to the sheriff."

"My police report wasn't even conducted by the sheriff, it was done by the FBI." I fold my arms across my chest.

"Ah, yeah well, in a couple weeks I'm sure that won't be trusted either. There's a open case into Asahi Hamada and his sexual and private relations with you." He says, and my heart flips but I learnt to keep a poker face from a very young age.

"Bluffing." Roman says in Chinese. "You gonna speed this up?"

"If we could stick to English that would be greatly appreciated." He opens a file, presenting the pictures of me that the hospital staff took. "These just look like you like it rough in bed." He points to picture with the belt marks red across my ass.

I smile. "Except when I'm getting railed by my boyfriend he has full consent and doesn't hang me from a ceiling." I look into his eyes.

"Who is your boyfriend?"

"Pretty brunette called Fabio." We have already gone over this. "He's not too happy about what your men did to me."

"That why he took them?" He asks.

"Fabio didn't take nobody." I shrug. "He only runs a coffee shop."

"What about you, Roman. You happy about what my men allegedly done to your daughter?" He switches his attention.

"I think they're in hiding for that reason, Underson."

"What reason is that exactly?"

Romans eyes narrow. "Would you like it if Keeley was hung by a ceiling?"

Underson doesn't have a good poker face. "If we can refrain from bringing in my personal life-"

"Would you like it if your daughter was beat by men twice her size? Would you let that slide?"

Undersons nostrils flare. "You seem to be doing fine, Ilaria."

"I'm nearly 4 weeks post op." I tap my fingers off the table. "Hey, you know they caused internal damage to my lower stomach so bad that the doctors are unsure on if I'm going to be able to have babies." I lean forward.

I didn't tell anybody that.

They don't know half of the damage that was done.

"I can't say I'm upset that another evil Reign offspring will be bought into this world." He replies. "But my men had no part of that?"

"No? Was I just imagining things when Buckley told me that he was hitting me there to make sure I had no chance of kids?" I rub my lips together. "Hey, he mentioned your pretty lady found it hard to have kids too."

"Leave her out of this." His eyes widen slightly.

"Buckley spilled a lot to me when he thought i was unconscious."

"Where is Buckley?"

"I don't know." I shrug.

"I think you do, and if we find out you hurt him or the team members, you're all spending the rest of your life in jail, and trust me Ilaria, for you it will be worse."

"That sounds like a threat." Romeo speaks up. "Are you threatening my sister?"

"I suggest you be quiet, pretty boy. Because it would be equally bad for you." He points.

Romeo sniggers. "Okay, so super scared!"

Underson stands up, walking to the front and turning the camera off. "I will kill you all."

"I would love for you to try." I wink.

"What about Mario?"

"Don't know where any of them are." I deadpan.

He bangs his fists off the table. "I will bring hell on you, do not test me."

Roman stands up. "I suggest you get your daughter and ex-wife into witness protection." His look sent shivers down my spine, it's not often he shows us kids his scary side

"I don't like these threats." Undersons jaw clenches.

"I don't like what you ordered your men to do to my daughter." Roman raises his voice. "Cameras off, you want a victim for your dirty work, you go after me, not my daughter. You find out where your men are and let them know every single one of their days is limited. If any Reign man sees them, they're dead meat."

Underson gulps visibly.

"You try and set up a meet or continue looking into this case and you will be dealt with." Roman walks around the table, looking up at him. "You think you're all tough shit for what you did to my girl, best believe you know how worse it will be for your daughter and wife." He threatens. "That's a promise."

"You stay away from them." Undersons eyes widen.

"You should've stayed away from my daughter."

He shakes his head in defeat, and walks away.

Asahi and Kairi walk in. "Everything okay?" Asahi asks, looking directly at me.

"Yeah. See y'all later on." I stand up, grabbing my crutches and walking out of the room.

I walk to the car with Romeo right behind me. "You never said that."

"Said what?"

"About the internal damage." He says quietly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Not your business." I nod my head at the door. "Open then."


"Romeo, not now, please."

"Does Asahi know?"

"He does now." I sigh. "Open."

He opens the door for me and I get in with his help, leaving my crutches to the side. He stands there, "I won't let them rest for this."

I smile at him, and we wait silently for dad to return.

Dad walks out with Asahi. Asahi gives me a soft look which I ignore. "I won't be home tonight, baby. Have to go Quantico. I love you."

"Love you too." I smile.

"Drive safe."


word count: 1504

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