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I rewatch the video of Asahi fucking some girl.

Over and Over.

I don't even know who sent it to me, but I know now why he is acting the way he is acting.

Romeo walks into my room. "Are you going sit in here and drown in your self pity?"

"What do you want?" I turn my phone off.

"My sister back. You're like a corpse. Even I wasn't this bad after Delilah left and I was actually in a relationship with her."

"You're a dick." Alessio walks past him. "Mom, Romeo is bothering Ilaria again."

"I'm not bothering her." Romeo shouts. "Come on. Let's go feed the ducks or some shit."

I do need to get up out of bed.

I get up, able to walk properly. It's been nearly three weeks now.

He waits outside the bathroom while I shower and change, and then ties my hair up for me because my wrist limits that.

I walk down the stairs and mom smiles fondly, but warns Romeo before letting us go out to the yard.

"What have you been watching on your phone?" He asks.

"Somebody sent me a video."


"Of Asahi fucking some girl in my closet."

He looks at me. "Can I see it?"

I hand him my phone and he looks at it. "That's Yuki."

"Who is Yuki?"

"She's a new stripper at the club."

I scoff.

Shouldn't have let him go to the strip club.

"Wanna go for a drive?"

"To where?"

"Well, when I went to kill somebody yesterday, I seen Yuki tied up in the basement." He stands up. "So, Matteo knows something."

I hold my hand out and he helps me up.

He tells mom we're going to get food and then we drive to the warehouse.

There was more cars out here than usual.

I get out, following Romeo.

As we're walking down the stairs. I hear his voice.

Romeo turns to look at me. "Hey." He smile. "Show him you're doing good without him."

"I'm not."

"He doesn't know that. Put on your brave face, talk back to him. Won't even try and stop you if you kick his balls." He winks.

I take a deep breath, continuing to follow him.

His father was here, as well as an unfamiliar man.

"You're not supposed to be here." I hear Matteo say. "Neither of you. Oh God."

"Ilaria." Asahi says.

I don't look at him.

"So we put two and two together." Romeo kicks Yuki's leg gently. "Asahi, she is ugly as fuck, that is insulting."

"Ilaria, can we talk?" Asahi asks.

"You can't kill her." Matteo says.

"Like hell I can't." Romeo takes his gun from his holster.

"No. You really can't. Asahi's sister has gone missing and she's the only one that knows."

I look up at Asahi.

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