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I stare blankly at my ceiling.

It would be so fun to put a mirror up there.

"Spencer." I shout.

He walks in. "Ilaria, I am exhausted."

"I don't wanna fuck, get someone here to put a mirror up there." I point to my ceiling.

He raises an eyebrow.

"You heard me."

He walks away. 2 minutes later, Romeo walks in. "I'm sorry, did I hear that right?"

"Hear what?" I sit up.

"I don't wanna fuck." He repeats. "Please tell me you haven't been fucking your hodyguard."

"You won't like what I'm about to tell you." I smile at him innocently.

He grabs my pillow, and screams into it. "Ilaria!"

"What? I'm bored."

"He is your bodyguard- actually- Spencer!"

"No. No. You said they have to do whatever I say and do and I just happened to do Spencer."

"Oh, this is somehow worse than you fucking a fed-"

"Shut up, Romeo. Don't bring him up." I stand up, frowning.

"Please, it's been 4 months Ilaria, get over yourself." He rolls his eyes.

I slap him.

Asahi left with no explanation. Disappeared off the face of the earth. Didn't say goodbye or explain what he was doing.

I considered the possibility that maybe he was put in undercover work but after hacking into every single government database that I could, every single crime investigation data and coming up empty handed, I got the impression he wasn't undercover and just ignoring me.

So I hate him.

"Still butthurt after a guy ghosted you."

"Oh shut up, you got all psychotic when Delilah ignored you for a couple hours so-"

"You're a bitch." He tuts

"Proudly. Get out."

"I'm gonna get rid of Spencer."

I stare at him unimpressed. "Spencer and I have no feelings for each other. He simply is there when I need him and he enjoys sex. Yes, I will still meet your stupid Italian friends to look for marriage." I mock him.

"Good." He walks away, threatening Spencer as he does so.

I ignore him, shower and change into a cute outfit, then head downstairs where my brothers sat along with my mother and 5 men.

"I always said papa was to be present when I look for a husband again." I smile at them all. "Matty too."

"Tough luck." Romeo leans back. "Which one do you like most?"

"Which one has the most money and power?"

They all look to the middle one.

Damn glad they did, he was the hottest one.

"You're new."

"No. That's Da Rosa's competition." Romeo whistles.

"Ilaria." I smile.

"Fabio." He winks.

I blush slightly, sitting beside my mom who nods her head in approval at Fabio.

"Fabio just became capo because Arturo killed his father. Da Rosa's and Salento's have been arguing for years. Obviously Da Rosa has more power currently but that's only because he managed to stretch to the states whereas Salento's are still working on that." Alessio says.

"With the marriage, he doesn't need to make the shift himself and Ferrari is giving up his place willingly to whoever you marry." Romeo says. "Then he will have more power than Arturo."

I nod my head. "I have a dog."

"I am okay with dogs." Fabio says, his accent very thick.

That is hot.

"And I am very high maintenance."

"I am very rich."

"I also need a big house with a massive walk in closet."

"I can build one."

I look at Romeo. "I like him."

"Thank God." He lets out a breath.

I rest my head on my moms shoulder as the rest of the guys leave and they all talk to Fabio.

I am not over Asahi yet which is utterly ridiculous but the only way I will be able to get over him is if I actually try and move on.

Maybe Fabio will help with that.

I was sitting in my yard, feet dangling in my swimming pool when Fabio sits beside me. "You're very beautiful."

"I know." I smile. "Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Romeo informed me that there was unfortunate circumstances that happened not too long ago regarding you and your ex-partners crazy ex." He looks at me. "He thinks I should be obligated to tell you about my ex, she too is quite crazy."

"Go on."

"She is Japanese."

I get flashbacks.

"Her name is Ema, she is the Yakuza's daughter. She was hidden for her entire life. We dated for only a couple of months but she grew very fond of me."

"Will she be a problem?"

"No. I don't believe so. We haven't had contact in over a month."

"Would you be okay if some of my men did research anyways?" I ask.

"Of course, go ahead. I don't want anything to jeopardise us." He smiles softly.

That's a brilliant answer.

We spend the night talking by the pool.

I like him.

A lot.

He managed to make me laugh more than I have in 4 months.

But most importantly, he made me forget about Asahi for those couple of hours.

It was only until I was back in my bed, alone in the silence, where my mind drifted to him again.

But then I quickly think of Fabio, and all he can offer that Asahi can't.

I turn onto my side, and the dog I still haven't decided to properly name, curls up beside me.

I kiss her head, closing my eyes.

And for the first time in four months, I didn't wake up recollecting my dreams of Asahi.

so proud of her (it's not lasting long)

word count: 1000

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