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"Oi, your boyfriend is here." Romeo shouts, glaring at me as he walks past, holding a bag of frozen peas to the back of his head.

"Got a small bump on your head there-"

"I'm going to kill you-"

"Both of you, behave." Dad tuts. "Go and bring Asahi down, Ilaria."

I walk up the stairs, watching Asahi have a conversation with my bodyguards. They get along well, i know they like him.

His eyes fall to me immediately and he swiftly excuses himself, making his way over. "Let me see him."

"List." I hold my hand out.

He sighs, taking his bag off his back and dumping it in my hands. "Everything you want to know is in there."

I call my tech over. "Files on all of these people." I hand her the bag. "Come on." I nod my head, leading him down the stairs.

Dad and Romeo were waiting outside the room. "What happened to your head?" Asahi frowns as he looks at Romeo.

"Ilaria hit a book across his head." Dad answers.

Asahi looked confused but didn't say anything as he twisted the door open, walking in.

Both of the guys, still nameless, stare at him.

"Damn, she fucked you both up good." He shoves his hands into his pockets, pulling out a pair of black latex gloves and putting them in.

The two men look at each other.

Asahi simply stares at them, eyebrows furrowing. "Princess, I quite literally have no idea who these people are."

"Think harder." I grab one by the hair, exposing his neck as I pull back his hair. "Found this." I point to a crown tattoo. "It's almost exactly the same as the one I have on my arm."

"What's the difference?" Asahi asks, kneeling down as he examines the guys neck.

"Four spikes instead of three."

"Open his mouth, pretty."

The guy tried to keep his mouth shut, but I open dig my fingers into the joint by his ear and watch his mouth hang open, then Asahi grabs his jaw and pulls it open wider.

He lifts the guys tongue, eyes narrowing. "Have you given them anything?"

"Nope, just water and bread." Dad answers.

"There's a Japanese gang that record the number of victims they have by slicing parts of their body that aren't typically visible." He unbuttons the guys shirt. "This one has 17 on his tongue, three on each nipple."

"What do the tear drops represent?" I ask.

"How many leaders they've taken down." Romeo answers, walking in.

"Three each." Asahi says. He unbuttons the guys pants and pulls them down, exposing him.

He does a full examine of his body, counting 70 scars in total. "These are both old members."

The guy spits on Asahi, saying something in Japanese.

Romeo and Asahi look at each other.

"Hello? Translate!" I click.

"It's not him they're after, sister. It's you."

"Because of him." I poke Asahi.

Asahi frowns as he looks at the guys but doesn't say a word. Just sets his intense gaze on them.

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