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There's something about Ilaria in the morning which makes her 10x more beautiful than she already is.

She smiles, eyes puffy as she traces the tattoos on my chest. "Your nostrils flare when you sleep." She says, her voice hoarse.

Probably from the amount of times my dick was down her throat last night.

"How long you been up?" I ask, grabbing my phone from the bedside table.

I need to get up for work soon.

"Not long." She looks at me.

I pull her up, letting her rest her head on my chest as I open my camera roll.

This woman.

The last picture she took was of my head between her legs.

Then there was loads of my cock in her mouth.

Loads of videos of how we fucked.

She even set it up as she rode me into fucking oblivion.

She clicks on all of them and send them to herself.

I answer some messages while she keeps tracing my tattoos. "I gotta get ready." I tap her hips.

She sits up, yawning.

I get out of bed and she lays back down. "I'm having a lazy day."

"You do that, baby." I kiss her forehead, walking to her bathroom.

I shower all the sweat and bodily fluids off me fom last night and change into my work attire.

She was sleeping by the time I was done.

I kiss her a couple of times, then leave.

"Uh, take a look at this." One of them stops me, showing video footage from an iPad of a figure on her balcony, looking in as she's on her knees, sucking my dick.

"The alarms didn't go off?"

"They were disabled." He closes the footage. "We haven't showed her."

"Don't. Is it possible to increase security measures on the balcony?"

"Yeah, we're doing that today."

"Good. I'll be here tonight if a case doesn't pop up." I leave.

I know that is Yuki.

I take the elevator down to the 10th floor, which she is on, and knock on her door. When there was no answer, I kick down the door and make my way in.

She was sitting on the couch, filing her nails.

"I warned you, Yuki."

"No. I warned you, Asahi." She stands up, eyes dropping to the multiple marks on my neck.

"I do not want to send a warrant out for your arrest, Yuki. You leave now and I won't. You stay, I'll have one here by tonight."

"Boo, fucking hoo, I will just get my dad to get rid of it." She folds her arms across her chest. "You're only with her because she can fuck like that."

"Better than you ever were."

"At least you could love me without problems." She looks me up and down. "You should say goodbye to your girlfriend."

"What did you do?"

"I told you what would happen if you carried on seeing her, Asahi." She plasters a false smile over her face.

Then she begins counting down from 3.

Once she hits one, the building shakes and an explosion goes off from the top floor.

ILARIA (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now