
After sunset, in a dark cave, Demeena was in a corner, where she had spent all her time alone ever since Dorian's death came with the realization that she would never find his body. Even with that, she still didn't cry about it.

She just wanted to be alone and had so much anger but didn't know how to deal with it.

All she did was hum as much as she could to deal with the realization that she was now alone.

When she couldn't do it anymore and came to her senses, she burst into laughter and hit the wall, cracking it.

"What am I doing here?" she said, looking around as her voice echoed. "I should be out there. Dorian won't come back so I should just have fun with the people who deserve to die. My darling will hold me and make me feel better."

And so with that, she rose to her feet and headed out, holding her head high as she thought about killing everyone who was left.


When it was time to go to the circus, Alan led the way and though people gushed over his handsome looks, it was Kaelyn who was the center of attention with her pale skin and dark and seductive aura.

As soon as the building came into view, Kaelyn stopped in her tracks as she stared at it.

"What's wrong?" Alan asked.

"I don't know.. I just...I don't know," she said, the building feeling familiar.

When they were all settled inside and the spectacular acts began, Alan was so entertained that he didn't want to miss a single second of it.

However, Kaelyn paid no attention to any of it. All she could do was look around. The longer she stayed there, the more she felt she had been there before. The cheers all felt too familiar.

As she continued to look around, she detected a scent from the top floor and instantly looked up.


Though Crimson had been dismissive of what Winn had said to him, he was so bothered that he had decided to go and check out Kaelyn's grave with his own eyes and he realized it was true.

Even as he had made arrangements for the circus show that evening, she was all he could think about.

When the gates had finally opened and people began coming in to watch the show, he had detected her scent and that only confused him further.

Now watching from the top floor, her scent was within the crowd and when he finally spotted her, he couldn't believe his eyes, especially when she looked up, right at him.

No, it can't be.

He watched as she whispered to the blond haired guy next to her, then walked away from the crowd while glancing up at him every few seconds.

He knew she was coming up, and it made him scoff because she was supposed to be in her grave, dead, just like he had left her.

Before she arrived in that section, he kept himself hidden for a few seconds, then revealed himself from behind her.

She quickly turned around to face him and couldn't take her eyes off of his face.

He continued to approach her until there was only a small space between the two of them.

When he got even closer, he looked into her eyes and the innocence he once  knew was gone. He could feel himself being easily seduced by her without even trying.

"You're back but so different," he said.

She couldn't stop herself from touching him, so she touched his cheek as she said, "Who are you?"

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