Chapter Sixtyeight

Start from the beginning

Soon though, Eboni removes herself from Jeff's lap- going to the curry and begins seasoning it as the rice continues to cook. "I'll be fine on my own Jeff. I'll keep smile dog with me."

"I rather not have you up there by yourself princess."

"And I won't let you miss out on the party."

Jeff stares at her, clicking his tongue. That's what he gets for being nice, granted he's going to go anyways whether Eboni was alright with it or not. That's just who Jeff is, selfish yet spares less of his selfishness when with Eboni. The teen is aware of this, however. Truly she doesn't mind being to herself for a few hours. She'll just play video games or spend more time with Sally.

The teen moves to put two servings of shrimp onto the pan after putting butter in it. As it begins cooking, she would season it so the flavors will cook into the sea food. BEN would then suddenly appear next to Eboni, floating over her.

"I knew you were cooking! Only your food smells this good!" He said, mouth salivating.

Jeff reaches up, grabbing the link look-a-like ankle with a mischievous smile on his face. "And you ain't eating any of it!" He laughs, tossing the floating demon onto the wall.

BEN glitches, falling onto the ground with a thud- a groan following afterwards. "Fuuuuucking asshole!"

The smiling killer shrugs, moving next to Eboni, hovering over her. The teen gets a teaspoon and dips it into the curry, giving herself a taste test. She nods her head in approval, reaching up to grab two plates. Struggling though, Jeff chuckles- reaching over her and grabs two plates. He gives her a quick kiss before moving to sit back down at the table.

Eboni makes Jeff's plate, placing a few scoops of curry on one end of the plate, rice on the other side and shrimp on top. She does the same with hers, placing both plates on the table. Eboni grabs herself a can of Sprite & a bottle of Jack Daniel's for the smiling killer.

When Eboni is seated, Jeff takes his spoon- scooping one of everything into it. He takes a bite, eyes rolling and body slumping. He doesn't bother wasting anymore time on savoring it, quickly devouring every last bite- going so far as to leak his plate clean.

He takes a quick swig of his drink to swallow it all down before speaking, "Hooooooly shit princess, that was so damn good."

Eboni giggles, still taking her time to finish her meal. "Thank you." She gushes over the praise.

After a few minutes, Eboni finishes her meal- leaving just a bit for BEN since he wouldn't stop whining for a taste. It's late into the evening by the time the two make it back into Jeff's room. The teen takes his cap off, walking him towards his build in bathroom. The two strip down bare, stepping into the shower after running the water to warmth.

Eboni gently washes the remaining dye out of Jeff's hair while he moves to wash her body. When done with his hair, Eboni does the same with him- littering kisses against his bare wet skin. Jeff fully relaxes under her soft touch, his eyes growing heavy.

The two finish their shower, drying themselves off. Eboni wraps her towel around herself as Jeff sits down, allowing Eboni to blow dry his hair. He relishes in this treatment. Its so odd, a crazed serial killer growing fond of such gently touches and small acts of affection. Jeff never once thought this could be him, growing to love someone's company so much. So much so that it scares him a bit. All his life he's grown do used to being alone, yet now he's used to Eboni's company. Thinking back, he questions how he could be alright living life in solitude. That is no longer an option, not anymore.

Once his hair is dry, Eboni begins her nightly routine along with Jeff. The two brush their teeth, Jeff taking Eboni's shower cap off and puts her curly fluffy hair into braids- placing her bonnet on once done. The teen quickly moisturizes her skin with strawberry scented shea butter as well as lip bomb to keep her lips soft during the night.

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