Chapter 18: Jessica's POV

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A fancy-looking, middle-aged man greets me and Ari as we enter the foyer. He is decked out in a full suit, with shiny gold cufflinks and freshly polished shoes. He takes mine and Ari's coats and escorts us to the main room. During the short drive from the penthouse to the town hall, I've been trying to hype myself up for the night ahead. Despite making multiple attempts over the past week to get out of attending the event tonight, my parents wouldn't budge. So here I am, dressed in a sparkly, emerald, green ball gown, cream Louboutin's, and wearing a permanent scowl on my face to finish the look.

"Come on, girl. I know this situation isn't ideal but let's try to have a good time. Turn that frown upside down." Ari says, while physically trying to lift the corners of my mouth.

Convincing Arianna to come with me tonight was my only saving grace. I don't know how I would have made it through the night alone. I do a quick scan of the room and see several of my parent's employees as well as family friends and "beneficial business connections" as my parents refer to them. Arianna and I are hands down the youngest people here. I'm glad to see Wes and his friends haven't arrived yet.

"Let's go find my parents." I say to Ari while linking my arm through hers.

Although my parents insisted on my attendance tonight, they were unable to meet with me before the event since there was so much setup required to turn our town hall into the extravagant ballroom that it is tonight. I have to say that they have done an incredible job, and by "they" I mean the event organisers my parents hired because God knows they didn't do it themselves. The hall is almost unrecognisable. Large velvet red curtains hang from the floor-to-ceiling glass windows and several chandeliers have been installed, adding the perfect mood lighting to the room. Several round tables are spread out across the floor, each one having a large centerpiece of various extravagant flowers and staff have been hired to peruse to room, offering out appetisers and refilling wine glasses.

A spot my parents near the top table talking with Wes's parents. I slow my steps and as Ari and I try to change course, I hear my mother calling me over. I spend all of ten seconds debating whether to just keep walking when I hear her call my name again. Reluctantly, Ari and I make our way over. My mom engulfs me in a big hug, and although I am not too happy about the current situation that she has put me in, I am still happy to see her. I smell her rich, lavender perfume as we break away from each other and the smell reminds me of home. It's been tough this past month not seeing her or my dad, and I instantly feel guilty for trying to get out of coming tonight.

"Wow Jessica, don't you look gorgeous." She says while holding me at arm's length and examining me from head to toe. "And this must be Anna!" She exclaims, turning to Arianna and gushing over her gorgeous satin pink dress.

"It's Arianna, Mom." I blush, embarrassed on her behalf.

"Oh, do excuse me, Arianna. I've got a head like a sieve."

"It's all good." Ari brushes it off.

"How have you been keeping, Jessica?" The question comes from Wes's Mom. She is several inches taller than me and is a stunningly beautiful woman. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't slightly terrified of her. She can be such a lovely, caring woman but I've also seen her make grown men cower. She's not to be messed with.

"I'm good, thanks." I smile up at her.

"You are such a brave girl." She says in an annoyingly patronising voice while pulling me into a side hug. "Wes told us that you two decided to take a break for a while during college. I think it's great that you both want to focus on your studies, but I understand if you miss him."

Leave it to Wes, to make it look like he broke up with me. I barely manage to suppress an eye roll.

"Oh Honey, you never told us that. You and Wes are taking a break?" My dad asks, the frown on his face lets me know exactly what he thinks of the news.

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