Chapter 11: Jessica's POV

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One thing I've noticed since starting college is that time flies. It's hard to believe that I am starting my second week when it feels like yesterday was my first day. I still have no clue how to get to my classes without using Google Maps. Currently, I am alternating between staring at my phone screen with the "Business and Economics" building set as my destination and making sure that I watch where I'm going enough to avoid walking into someone. God knows I've done that enough times in the last few weeks to last me a lifetime.

Once I see a large wooden sign with "Business and Economics" carved into the wood, I turn off Google Maps and hurry in that direction. I pull one of the large oak doors open and immediately halt in my tracks.

Up ahead, gathered around a set of lockers is Wes and my so-called friends. It's funny to think that I would have considered these people my friends not so long ago. But none of them have reached out to me since everything went down. Seeing them all gathered around Wes makes it perfectly clear where their loyalties lie. It stings to know how little they care about me and is embarrassing to think that I ever thought I fit in with their group when it's so blatantly obvious to me now that they put up with me because of Wes.

No one has spotted me yet, they're all too busy laughing at something Jacob says. Logan spots a group of girls walking past him and begins to wolf-whistle and cat-call them, which only makes the group laugh louder. Funny, Wes would always chastise him for doing that when I was around. Now he seems to find the entire encounter hilarious. He pulls Lauren, who is standing near him, into his arms and hugs her from behind, placing little kisses up her neck. She snuggles into him and whispers something in his ear which makes him smile down at her. I guess they're together now, that didn't take long at all.

I turn to head back out the door I had just walked through when Hannah's whiney voice reaches me.

"Jessy!" She squeals as if we are long-lost friends. I spend less than 30 seconds debating whether to ignore her and keep walking but apparently, it's 30 seconds too long because she calls again.

"Jessica Morgan! I know it's you. I'd know those ratty Converse and dire split ends anywhere."

She says this so loud that all other conversation in the corridor halts and everyone's gazes turn on me. I grit my teeth to hold my tongue and turn back in her direction. She has a smug ass grin spread across her face and holds herself with such confidence a less secure person would cower. The boys barely spare me a glance appearing almost bored by this encounter. Lauren however looks startled, like a deer caught in headlights. I don't miss the way she shifts slightly to stand behind Wes. It almost makes me laugh how different things are between us now. To think that this is the same girl I would have considered my best friend not long ago.

"Jessy, it's so good to see you." Hannah continues, "It's clear from your pale skin and puffy eyes that you had to drag your heartbroken self from bed this morning but as you can see Wes and Lauren make a much better couple than you and Wes ever did."

Wes seems happy by Hannah's comments and sends a smile her way. It's hard to remember what I ever saw in Wes at this moment. This jerk standing before me couldn't be further from the Wes I dated.

When it's clear to Hannah that I have no response for her, Logan jumps in.

He wraps an arm around my shoulder which I try to shrug off, but he only tightens his grip on me. "If you ever feel lonely, I'm more than happy to help you out, baby, if you know what I mean." He whispers in my ear loud enough for the rest of the group to still hear. Suddenly he shoves me away from him hard enough to make me stumble back a few steps. "Who am I kidding? Virgin pussy is way too high maintenance." He laughs.

My cheeks instantly heat, and I wish the ground would swallow me up. I've known Logan to be a bit of a dick to people every now and then, but he is never this cruel and especially not to me. I hold back the tears threatening to fall and shove past them. Lauren calls out my name and goes to grab my arm, but I brush past her.

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