Chapter 7: Jessica's POV

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The rest of the week is spent preparing for college. It's my first year at Ridgeview University and I am equal parts excited and nervous to start. The college is only a 40-minute drive from home, but my parents insisted that I live on campus to "get the full college experience", their words, not mine.

I have neatly organised all my stuff into piles of things coming with me and staying behind. My computer and wireless headphones are a must come, along with my purple stuffed unicorn which I have had since my dad won it for me in an arcade on my fifth birthday. The unicorn has faded in colour and is fraying around the edges, but I just can't bring myself to part with him. I have packed several boxes with clothes and books. Just as I am taping up the last box, my dad walks in to check on my progress. A soft smile spreads across his face as he pulls me into a hug.

"I can't believe my little girl is heading off to college. When did you get so grown up?" He sighs.

"It's not so bad. I'll call all the time and come home on the weekends as much as possible." I reply, trying my best to ease his worries while also hiding my own.

Breaking the hug, he turns towards the stack of boxes by my bedroom door and grabs two.

"I'll start loading these into the car."

It's not long at all before it's time to leave and my parents and I are on the road to Ridgeview. The drive-up is mostly quiet. I listen to Chase Atlantic through my Airpods while Mom scrolls Facebook and Dad drives, occasionally cursing under his breath at other road users.

Pulling up in front of the college, I don't know where to look first. The buildings are large and grand, with red brick finishes and large modern windows. Each building has a different sign outside, indicating what courses are taught in each. As the car drives by the Mathematics and Engineering Building, several students all pile out of the main doorway, carrying laptops and textbooks. Everyone seems to know exactly where they are headed without having to put much thought into where to go. Judging by the size of this place I think I'll be lucky if I make it to any of my classes on time without getting lost.

The further we drive into campus, the more people we see, and it becomes clear that we are getting close to the student accommodation, based on the number of students lugging suitcases behind them.

When the car gradually slows in front of a bright white and orange building, we drag all my stuff up to the third floor, taking several trips up and down the elevator. I had received my room number and key in the post last week, so I didn't need to be introduced to the apartment on arrival.

Opening the door, it becomes obvious straight away that my roommate has already arrived, and recently judging by the number of boxes that are spread across the floor half-opened. The twin room is bright and spacious with two single beds on either side of the room. My roommate and I both have matching sets of wardrobes, drawers, and desks made of rich wood. The middle of the room is covered by a large navy rug. Overall, it is a pretty decent room.

"Oh hey! You must be Jessica. I'm Arianna. It's so nice to meet you. Sorry about the mess, I just arrived a few hours ago and haven't finished unpacking yet." My roommate exclaims with a wide grin on her face.

She's a few inches taller than me, with long blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Her cute pencil skirt and black frilled top are definitely something I would wear. Which makes me instantly think that we will get along.

"Hey, don't worry about the boxes. I'm sure we will have us both unpacked in no time at all! It's great to meet you too!" I reply.

"Okay, we will head off and let you two get settled in" Dad says before giving me a tight hug and kiss on the cheek.

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