Chapter 17: Jessica's POV

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"Okay, Major news!" Ari exclaims, making a B-line for our table in the crowded lunchroom. Several heads turn in our direction, but Arianna pays them no attention. She looks extremely cute today in a plaid skater skirt and dark green, high-neck jumper. She slams her tray of food down on the table so hard with excitement that her pot of yogurt jumps off the tray.

"Someone's in a rush." I laugh at her haste.

"I just have the best news." She shrieks as she plops herself down in the seat across from me. "I'm so excited!"

"Oh really, I couldn't tell." I deadpan which earns me a glare from my overly excited friend.

"Okay tell me your news." I encourage her. A smile instantly returns to her face.

"Okay, so I didn't tell you this because I didn't think it would go anywhere. But I've been writing this book. It's a vampire romance about this totally badass human main character called Layla who ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or so she thought, she ends up meeting three drool-worthy vampires and falls in love with them!"

A laugh escapes me. "Only you could write a vampire reverse-harem!"

"Girl, I have to let my creativity flow somehow." She replies, completely unashamed by her vampire-porn book. "Anyway, that's only half the story. So, I entered the book into an online writing competition, and it won first place!"

"Oh my god, Arianna that's amazing. Well done." I say while rounding the table to embrace my friend in a celebratory hug. "We have to go out for dinner tonight to celebrate, my treat. And I want to hear all about this book!" As I release Ari, I hear Dean's low voice.

"What's with all the excitement." He says while pulling me into a side hug and placing a quick kiss on my forehead. He has to bend down to reach me. It's ridiculous how big he looks next to my 5 ft 4 stature.

"Looks like my match-making Thursday night paid off." Ari says with a shit-eating grin on her face.

"I don't know if your drunk karaoke had anything to do with it." Dean laughs and pats Ari's head like you would a dog. She shrugs him off and flips him the bird.

He takes the seat beside her, and she is quick to comment on it. "Who said you could sit with us?" She protests, but the teasing note in her voice and her big smile let him know that she is only messing with him.

I fill Dean in on Arianna's news and it isn't long before Ryan and Noah join us. Both of them have trays piled high with enough food to feed three people. Ryan has a big bowl of mac and cheese but has covered it in what looks like ketchup.

"That looks delicious." I deadpan while scrunching my nose up at his preferred lunch.

Missing my sarcasm, he slides the tray across to me, offering up some of his horrible lunch. "I've already eaten, thanks."

"Your loss." He replies before shovelling a big forkful of the ketchup-y pasta into his mouth.

"Ryan, please tell me that is not ketchup." Ari asks him, a look of horror on her face.

"Sure is. Full of protein." He supplies with a big grin.

"Here we go again." Noah huffs from beside me. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you this but there is no protein in ketchup."

"And what are you, a dietitian?" Ryan protests.

"No, but I'm someone with more than five functioning brain cells." Noah snaps back, his tone nowhere near playful.

The table is quiet for a moment, no one quite sure what to say, until Noah finally breaks the silence. "Sorry, I didn't mean that." He apologises to Ryan. "I'm just having a bit of a shit day."

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