Chapter 1: Jessica's POV

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There comes a time in everyone's life when you question every moment that led you to where you are right now. Maybe it was a life-changing event that tilted your entire world upside down. Maybe it was a tough decision made that veered your life off the course you were heading in. Or in my case, maybe it happened so gradually and shifted so slightly that you didn't even realise it was happening. Very soon I would realise the life I was living was a complete fucking lie.

Right now, I'm sunbathing on a lounge chair in Wes' private villa in Albufeira, trying to finish the last chapter of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban " but the relentless thumping of some popular EDM song is making my ears bleed. It's not like the ending will be anything surprising, I must have read all the Harry Potter books ten times over by now but that is beside the point. When I agreed, albeit reluctantly, to come on this summer holiday to Portugal with my friends it became obvious fairly quickly that we had very different ideas of what a "Mediterranean summer holiday" involved. The relaxing beach holiday I had pictured couldn't be further from the scene playing out before my eyes right now.

Across the pool, Logan and Jacob are in the middle of a competitive beer pong tournament. However, neither of the boys have managed to sink a shot in the last five minutes, probably due to them already being halfway to wasted. Did I mention it's 12 in the afternoon? In the pool, Lauren is wiggling on Wes' shoulders trying to regain balance from Hannah's attempt to topple her over from where she is balanced on Eliot's. With another firm push from Hannah, Lauren's balance falters and she falls face-first into the pool with a high-pitched scream. The rest of the group breaks out in a mixture of laughter and jeers at Lauren's expense.

Deciding to give up on trying to finish my book, I reach for my Airpods, let 'Nao- Drive and Disconnect' flow through my ears, and settle further into my lounger. The tranquility doesn't last long because not two minutes later a wave of water comes crashing down on me. Before I can even catch my breath, I'm being lifted into the air as if I weigh nothing.

"Wes!" I shriek clinging onto his neck for dear life. "Put me down right now!"

"If you insist Jess" He replies with a smirk on his face.

Understanding dawns on me two seconds too late and the next thing I know I'm being flung into the deep end of the pool. I swim back to the surface and find Wes standing at the edge of the pool with a massive grin on his face. His green eyes sparkle with mischief and his brown hair that is now almost black from the water is stuck to his forehead. He's laughing at me and I swear it's the best sound I've ever heard. The muscles in his arms strain from the force of his laugh and for a second I forget why it is I'm supposed to be mad at him.

Quickly recovering from checking out my boyfriend. I fling an armful of water in his direction which in hindsight is totally ineffective considering he's already soaking wet. With a deep chuckle, he does a quick run up to the pool before cannon-balling right beside me sending another wave of water over me. I resurface spluttering up water and am reduced to a coughing fit.

"You're such a dick" I scold him while trying to hold in my laughter.

"But you still love me." He replies. I wrap my legs around his waist pulling him closer. He rests his hands on my lower back and gently strokes my left hip with his thumb, causing the butterflies in my stomach to go haywire. "Yeh, I do." I whisper into his ear before pulling him in for a kiss. The kiss is soft, tentative at first but grows deeper quickly and I realise that this right here is the reason I agreed to come on this trip.

Wes and I have known each other our entire lives, with our parents being both friends and partners in "Hudson and Morgan" law firm. We grew up going to school together and seeing each other at business events and campaigns. At first, there was nothing more then friendship between us but giving us a proper shot seemed like the most obvious choice when our lives were already so strongly intertwined. 

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