Chapter 4- Sunset and Sherlock

Start from the beginning

They gazed at each other, probably during their mental connection chatroom thingy until suddenly, "Ow!" 

Once more, in Thor's side, a blade slid in then out, held by Loki's hand. "Terribly sorry, the blade must have slipped.", Loki said unapologetically, shoving the empty crisp packet into the trash. You sighed extremely loudly and repeated the previous operation.

Clint dashed through where you were assembled in the living room and went to the scores wall. On there were hung numerous papers tabullating and keeping scores for diverse things. There was the Language score for example, the who got most drunk, who got shot the most, and the most recent addition was the stabbing count. Clint added another two sticks under where Thor's name was written neatly, adding up to the twenty-seven other ones. Loki looked at it and hummed proudly, letting a lip tilt make it's way on his skin. Thor simply growled and hugged you briefly once it had all been taken care of before going on a rampage for Pop Tarts. 


Finally some time to yourself after all these constant missions, you went towards the balcony to watch the sunset. Maybe to clear your head, maybe to enjoy, maybe to not think. Whatever it was, a seemingly magnetic pull brought you to the balcony of the living room once more. These past few days haven't been easy, the magic you failed to understand drained you as well as the intensive training. 

You took a deep breath, footsteps echoing behind you. Two men leaned on the balcony railings on each side, and you dragged your eyes from the sea's magnetic pull to stare straight ahead. The two blondes stayed silent for a while, joining in on your silent reflection in the warm air. You rested your head on your clasped hands in front of you and closed your eyes, evening out the breathing. Wind ran through your hair and it conjured a freeing feeling from inside. In those moments you weren't thinking about HYDRA or their experiences coursing through your blood, shaping your very existence. Just thinking about them brought back hundreds of memories. You strained to keep them away, guarded, flung to the back of your conscience. It was a part of you, yes, but not the best one. You started drifting off, humming the sea air mixed with city noises and smells. It was relaxing.

Then you glanced up and saw the fiery red ball starting to set in front of you. Little by little, color by color, second by second, it was diving into the horizon. The delicate beauty of a sunset was that if you took time to enjoy it, it seemed endless whereas if you didn't pay attention, it'd happen in a split second.

Neither Thor nor Steve said anything until the sun had completely buried itself away.

"Are you okay Y/n?" asked a tentative Steve, placing a hand on your shoulder. They all were so protective of you, you felt loved here. It would heal your wounds from HYDRA you believed.

"Lady Y/n, you know you can express your innermost thoughts to us, can you not?"

"Yeah I know pop tarts, but I don't know." You started playing around with the rings on your fingers. " When I started using my magic... it set free the memories from.... Before." Your throat tightened up. You could feel their compassion and pity but you didn't want that pity. You weren't a poor thing. You were just broken. But the powers that flowed through your blood red veins were a part of you. A painful one but nonetheless beautiful, grandiose, strong.


"Now be a good girl and don't move! Someone wants to meet you!" The guards tightened their grip on your arms and dragged you into a room. You couldn't fight... "NO, NO, NO!" Your fifteen year old self screamed at the lady clicking her heels and edging towards you. They had already beaten, starved, Locked you up, what now? The lady lifted your chin with her index and stared deep into your eyes. "She'll be great... her intelligence and strength could prove very useful indeed..." her voice lulled, dragging out the last word. An evil glint shone in her eyes and her very presence sent quivers down my weakened body. "Let's start with serums 45, 68, 25 and 98." She snapped her fingers and two doctors waltzed in. "NOOO !"

To be Loki'd  - Loki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now