Arrival of new storm?

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P.S: Timeline may vary according to the need!!

"Have you got it yet!?", Asked impatient voice of Ziva.

"I am trying Zi!! It takes time!! Have patience!!", Sahil answered doing something in his laptop.

"Got it!!", He exclaimed.

"Genius Sahil!! Love you bro!!", She said and took his laptop.

"Sahil!! There are too many numbers!! How are we gonna find that doctor number!?", She asked.

"No no!! Do it!! Why do you need anyone's help! Do it!!", Ziva pouts hearing him and give back his laptop to him making everyone smiles.

Rohit just ruffled her hair and sat on the rectilinear's arm whereas, Virat sit beside Ziva patting her back.

"Sahil!! How will we find the number now!!"

"Uncle!! This previous number of Mahi uncle is not used by him now. But fortunately, it is still registered on his name. So, I can retrieve the past data.

Now, according to my best knowledge, he must have visited doctor every month or at some interval of time regularly. And for that, he must have taken appointment from the doctor. I, just have to find that one number!! I will search it through my Database. If that number belonged to someone in past, it will show it here!!

Also...I think, I will use Uncle's current number as well. I don't know but I have feelings that uncle is still in contact with that doctor!!", He says looking at Ziva.

"Why do you think so?", Asked Virat.

"Yah!! He must have recovered from the trauma!!", Added Rohit.

"Maybe or maybe not!! Lets see!! It won't harm to check once right!?", He asked making them nod.

He soon started his work.

"This list is of around 2004!!"

"You got the data of that year!?", Asked Gracia.

"Ofcourse!! Even if you destroy a device, the memory is always there!! All you need someone like me, to crack the code!!", He said winking making her roll her eyes, while other got amused seeing this side of Sahil.

"Ok!! See here Zi!! These numbers which are highlighted are the once which have been dialled repeatedly. Now, I will copy these and feed it into my data base", he did as he explained.

"Most of these belongs to you guys!! But, there are these two numbers!! These numbers are the one which have been used again and again repeatedly.

Ok!! Umm...Gracy!! Can you just dial these two numbers?", He asked and she did so!!

"It says it doesn't exist!!", She answered.

"One of them have been in my record!! It belongs to Dr....Dr. Goenka!!", He said.

"Dr. Goenka!! I have heard this name!!", Said Suresh and rubbed his forehead until his eyes widen.

"Dr. Goenka has passed away in 2005!! I remember Mahi was so shocked by his death!! Infact, he was locked in his room for entire two days!!"

"I think, he was the one who used to be uncle's doctor!! How did he die!?", Asked Sahil.

"It was natural death. Cardiac arrest!!", He answered stopping his train of doubts.

"Sahil Bhaiya!! This second number?", Asked Sammy.

"I will find it!! Don't worry!! Meanwhile, Ziva!! I am gonna hack uncle's current number as well!!", Ziva nodded and Sahil started his work.

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