Meeting Them

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"Ziva think once again, are you sure this is safe? Do you really want to do this?", Mahi asked his daughter who was packing her bag.

Ziva looked at him and sighed.

"Papa!! You have asked me the same for so many times now...!! And my answer is still same..!! Yes, i want to do this. I want to go and play for the country."

"I know Zivu but----"

"Don't worry Mahi...!!Everything will be alright" Sakshi said entering the room.

"But what if they identify her? And what if they want to destroy her career too..? What if they trap her also?",Mahi asked looking at Sakshi with almost tears in his eyes. He was scared. Few years ago, Sakshi couldn't believe that his husband ever got scared.

But now...he live in fears...!! He gets scared so easily!! It's not like, he was suffering from any mental sickness.

It's just that he still couldn't forget those days where everything was stolen from him.

Ziva and sakshi looked at each other. They knew Mahi tried to show that it doesn't affect him, not anymore... but it still hurts him and that is the reason...he has become so protective of Ziva.

It was not easy to convince him to let her play domestic cricket so that she may have a chance in international cricket. It took nearly one year to convince him.

Ziva went to him and hugged him. "Papa nothing is going to happen to me, don't worry. No one will be able to identify me, I will be careful, I promise." Ziva said.

Mahi hugged her back tightly.
"Please be careful" he said and added.. "And take care of yourself."

After one hour it was time for Ziva to finally go to mumbai. After her wonderful performance in domestic cricket, she was going to make her debut for india in the Asia cup. And the matches would start after one week and that's why they had to report today only.

Mahi and sakshi both hugged her.

"Be safe and give your best." Sakshi said.

"I will." Ziva replied smilingly.

"I have talked to Sahil, he will come and pick you up from the airport", Mahi informed... before adding silently.

"...and remember don't take pressure of the match when given a chance. Be free and play freely, and don't let criticism or praises get to your head, okay?"

"Yes dad, i know" Ziva said and hugged him once again.

"And you two don't worry for me okay? Anyways Sahil will be there to help me if needed." She added.

"Yeah but if you need anything or have any us." Mahi said. Ziva nodded and with one last hug and a goodbye, she went out of the house to find a taxi to go to the airport.

Mahi kept looking the way she went.

"Everything will be alright Mahi!!, She consoles while hugging him which Mahi returns with equal force.

"I hope so Sakshi!! I...hope so!!!".

After some hours, Ziva finally reached Mumbai.
She went out and after searching a little, she saw Sahil waiting.

"Sahil" she shouted gaining his attention.
He smiled as he came to Ziva.

"How is my sis doing?" He asked while hugging her sidewise.
"Good, and my bro?" Ziva asked

"Excellent, now that you are going to be in the team."
Ziva grinned.

Sahil was their neighbour and they both had grown up together. He was 15, when he lost his father. So, Mahi decided to take care of him and pay for his school fees.

Many times Sahil and his mother were invited to their house for dinner and lunch.
And during the dark times that had come upon their family, Sahil and his mother helped them to get stable emotionally. And he had acted like a total brother to Ziva.

Currently Sahil was working as an analyst for women's cricket team.

"Let's go" Sahil said taking the bags from her hands and leading the way. They went and sat in his car.

"Before we reach let me just warn you about some things." Sahil said as he started to drive the car.

"What?" Ziva asked.

"First, Gracia and Samaira are in this tournament and Vamika is going to make her debut just like you." he informed her in a serious voice.

"Ohh." Ziva said after sometime. Though, her face was neutral, but Sahil was his brother who could see through her facade...and that's how he saw the lines of worry itched on her face.

She was aware that Gracia and Samaira have started playing for india but she didn't know that even Vamika would be making her debut and that all three of them would be selected for the Asia cup.

"And the other thing" Sahil continued "...Virat kohli is going to come as the mentor for the team."

"No way" Ziva said this time, not able to hide her shock.

"Yes, they didn't want to leak this news right now only, so they kept it as a secret."

"You should have told me earlier, I wouldn't have come." Ziva said not wanting to face him after all these years.

"And then how would you have made your debut for the team?" Sahil asked.

"I don't know but I can't meet him." Ziva said, panicking.
"Ziva remember where your priorities are, you are here to expose those people who wronged your father and fix your father's reputation again." Sahil reminded her making her calm instantly and making her realise why she was here in the first place.

Ziva sighed closing and her eyes and open them again with determination... nodding knowing that she has either way to meet him, someday.

"Don't worry Ziva everything will be alright." Sahil said.

"You just pretend he's a normal cricketer who is very famous and talented and you have no relation with him, okay? You just tell your mind that.....And treat Samaira, Gracia and Vamika as normal teammates, okay?"

"Yeah" Ziva answered thinking but would it be that easy? Samaira, Vamika and Gracia would have forgotten her by now but she remembers them properly.

They had spent so much time together when they were small, when things were normal in her life. All the times they played together and stayed together.

And she have no words about the relation, she had shared with Virat Kohli. It was one of the closest since he and her father had the closest relationship.

She had seen her father crying and telling her mother, that Virat, Rohit and others shouldn't get hatred and they should not be dragged into all this because of him....And that it was the best option to leave from there. And so, they had left. From all of their lives and started their own life, which was not easy but they managed.

But, from thereon, there were only two goals in Ziva's life...!!

.....First one was to prove her father innocent and second was... to play cricket and become like her father.

She knew she had to stay strong for her father and face everyone. Because it was important for her to become a part of the indian team to expose the culprits and she would do anything to expose them in front of the world.


Here is the first update!! Hope you will like it!!

Many things will unfold from past...the secrets will be out!!

What happened in past that Mahi decided to leave everyone!!

Stay tuned to know everything!!

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