Her death

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"She collided with his car! But--But it was an accident!?", Mutters Sach Pa unbelievably.

"It wasn't! It was a well planned murder!! Mahi himself told me this!! However, she never got justice!", Says Saurav turning his back towards them.

"But why?", Asked Yuvi.

"I can't answer you that Yuvi! It is not my place to share the details of his past! Don't ask me this!", He almost pleaded making everyone looks at him.

Everyone nodded understanding him. And there was a silence that took over the room.

Everyone started to remember Priyanka, who they had met only two months before the accident took place.

Mahi was a private person. He wouldn't have even shared that he had a girlfriend if yuvi had not caught him talking on the phone secretly. With his own tactics, he took out the truth from Mahi and then as expected to Mahi, Yuvi told about her to whole team.

A very embarrassed and shy mahi had to share that he loved this girl and they were together from one and half years.

The endless teasing never stopped. And then they, especially Yuvi, forcefully managed to get every detail about her from Mahi.

After much request from everyone, Mahi finally agreed that he would make them meet her.

They remembered how everyone loved her in an instant and were happy that Mahi had found the perfect girl. She was like a flower who only spread fragrance wherever she went. The positive aura of Priyanka and the comfort Mahi shared with her told them why Mahi choose her. They never saw him so happy, but that smile didn't last!! That fateful day took away everything from Mahi..his smile, his laughter, his emotions!! The blank look of Mahi still haunts them. And that's when they got to know what happened.


Mahi completed the match with a four. Yuvi, who was on the crease with him, came and hugged him.
And then the whole team came to them and engulfed both of them in hugs. Everyone were happy as they were leading in the series against Australia by 2-1 in the odis.

After the post match presentation, everyone went home in a high spirit.
After going to his room, mahi took out the phone from his bag and switched it on and called Priyanka. But she did not pick up. The phone was showing switched off. Mahi strated to feel there was something wrong. After every game, he would call her and she would pick it up, it was their daily routine.

An unknown fear terrorized him as with trembling hands, he called his friend and asked her find out about Priyanka.
After nearly one hour, he got the much awaited call.

And what he heard numbed him to the core. Priyanka had an accident and....she died.

Mahi sat on the bed, not being able to move, just trying to digest the news.
Priyanka....his love....the first love....died....in a car accident.

Was this even real? Or was he having a nightmare? How....how could she just die? He was planning to marry her. He was planning to propose her in December, when the indian team was free for one month.

It....it couldn't be real. This can't be real was the only thing going in his mind when the door burst opened.

Yuvi wanted to go out to have a bike race with mahi. He knew mahi would protest..worry about what dada and rahul bhai and everyone will say, but he decided he would convince him, anyways mahi couldn't deny the offer of a bike race for much time. The only thing where he would break the rules set by their seniors.

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