Unknown Friend

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"Virat!! Are you out of your mind? How can you talk to Ziva like that!?", Anushka asked as soon as she entered their room.

"Yeah, so? What wrong did I say? If Mahi bhai dosen't want her daughter to come near us, then so be it!!"

"Why are you taking out your anger of Mahi bhai's words on ziva?" Rohit asked coming inside.

"What is her mistake?" He asked joining them.

Vi didn't say anything and just averted his eyes.

"Vi, i know you are angry on Mahi bhai." Ro said softly.

"But that doesn't mean you behave like this with Zi.
She needs us. Neither her father nor mother is here, only we are here for her. If we won't support her, who else will?"

Virat started to realize his mistake and how he should not have shouted at her.
He hugged Ro.

"Why is he behaving like this? Why is he telling her own daughter to stay away from us? Does he not miss us, Ro? Does he not trust us? Does he no longer consider us as....as brothers?"

"Virat." Ro said "i also don't know. And I don't think Ziva also knows. She was as much hurt as us when she heard that, did you not see her face?"
Vi nodded realizing Ro was saying the truth.

"Vi, Mahi bhai may have his reasons. And we have listened to him everytime, but this time we can't listen to him. We can't leave Ziva be alone. We have met after so long, we just can't do that."

Vi nodded. "you are right Ro. I acted without thinking and I said some harsh words to her. I need to apologize!! And Atlas, it's her choice to forgive me or not."

"She will definitely forgive you. Let's go." He said in an encouraging tone.

As they reach Ziva's room, they found it empty. They searched everywhere, but it was futile.

"Where did she go?", Asked Rohit worriedly.

"Sometimes, your anger is too much Vi!!", Anushka commented making Virat guilty. Whereas, Ritika just kept her hand on Anushka's shoulder in order to comfort her.

Here, Ziva reached the destination.

"What's wrong? Why are you here when it's your match tomorrow!!?", Asked Sahil as soon as she reached there.

"I will manage!! You got something!!?"

"I didn't!! I tried to ask Chachu's friend. But, he ultimately denied!! There is something really fishy about this whole incident!!", Sahil said.

"They also used to be Dad's close friends!?", Commented Ziva.

"Yah!! I asked him the same and he said that, it was Chachu's wish to never contact him"

"And he agreed!??", Objected Ziva.

"Yes!! Because according to him, Chachu left no stone unturned in making him feel lower of his status, that too, in a party, in front of many peoples!! So, His wife sweared him and took his promise to never contact Chachu!!"

"And when all this happened!?"

"Here is the twist Zii!! All of this happened just before he was accused of murder and fixing!!", Ziva was feeling so disheartened.

"Friendship is, all about understanding each other!! They knew Dad, still they believed his every words!!", Stated Ziva.

"All these are bookish words Zi!! When it comes to real life, everyone likes to be practical!! Mahi Chachu was aware of this fact and that's why did what he did!!", Ziva agreed with Sahil. These are the way where her opinion always differs from her Dad or Sahil.

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