The New Day Has Come

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A/N: I just wanted to say how grateful I am for how extremely well the reception was for last chapter.

I've been planning that for years, and was super anxious about it. There were only a few who were uncertain about it, but they were still open to the idea and gave me a chance. You do get your owed explanation at the end of this chapter. You will see I USED THE RULES OF THE UNIVERSE. Kohei wants to abuse how bullshit everything is in this world, then I'm gonna work that shit. I would honestly argue I made it actually make sense.

This chapter is very Kyouka-Centric, for two reasons.

1. She has a lot to work through right now, for the big obvious reason from last chapter

2. Izuku can't do much with two broken arms.

Something I wanted to ask though, how many of you can think of how many times I foreshadowed the OFA evolution. Cause, if you go back through the story, I actually do it quite a bit. The first one actually being Kyouka started to train with Izuku. Yes, this has been planned for that long. All the way back before they were even dating, like chapter 4 or 5 or something like that.


The couple ran through the forest, both trying to keep their heart rates in check, albeit for very different reasons.

Izuku was doing his best not to move his arms, his adrenaline still sustaining. But, he had to admit, a part of his excitement was the sight of Kyouka.

They weren't running that much faster, but it was definitely at a speed most humans couldn't match. She was keeping it low, per Izuku's instruction, so that no violet lightning appeared. That was the last thing they needed anyone seeing. However, the thought of it was...

Okay, it was SO COOL.

He still had no idea if One For All would fade away from him, but it was still here now. So, Izuku deemed it okay to geek out over the thought of his girlfriend with those powers. They could train together, speed through city streets, over rooftops, she could punch a damn building into pieces.

She could...become a number one target of All For One.


How was he supposed to explain it to All Might? What about the class? Or Mika and Kyoutoku? It would be hard enough to make everyone believe that Kyouka manifested a second quirk, but one identical to Izuku's? Not only that, but she grew this quirk at the age of sixteen? He had just a believable enough story, but an entirely new quirk spawning in someone's teenage years had never happened before.

Shit, maybe this was bad.

Kyouka's heart rate was high, yes from the running, but mainly because she was absolutely terrified.

Surprisingly, her fear didn't come from the villain attack. She had One For All. She was using One For All. What the flying fuck was today?! When Izuku had said she was his first choice in case something happened to him, she didn't put much stock into it. Perhaps she just didn't want to think about Izuku meeting an untimely demise.

But, now it was real. Very, very real.

And, of course, the vestiges apparently couldn't help them, because this wasn't a simple case of passing it on to her. Something strange and new had happened, something none of them had answers for, and now she was running around a massive forest like a chicken with her head cut off.

And why was everything SO DAMN LOUD?!

Whatever. She had to stay positive, like Izuku would want her to. No matter what was happening with One For All, they had to focus on saving as many people as they could, including Bakugou. She may hate him, but he didn't deserve whatever the hell the League wanted him for.

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