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Darkness is what we fears the most but can you not the see the peace he brings upon?

It was the same pale man in front of me, holding a torch to take me.

"Where were you? And I didn't hear or see you coming." I said while grabbing the torch from him.

He just came out of nowhere and really I couldn't hear him. It's like he suddenly appeared in front of me.

"I was just behind you miss." He said nonchalantly.

Why does he talk like robot?

It's nearly impossible to believe this man is a human or other thing due to it's robotic movements.

"We shouldn't be late as the moon is red." What?

Then only I looked up and saw the moon. I widened my eyes as I have never seen the moon in red colour in my entire life. But nonetheless it looked beautiful and enchanting too. I was literally mesmerized by it's beauty.

The crunching sound made me snap my eyes to the sound. I looked towards the man who was just standing normally.

Didn't he hear that?

"Let's go." He said.

I nodded quickly after looking around myself and walked further still looking for that tree as he followed behind me. His movements were so silent that I had to move behind quite a time to see if he was really following me or I am all alone.

Thank goddess this man is with me otherwise I don't know what would have happened to me.

Something caught my eyes. It was a light not too much but a faint. I moved closer towards the source and the scene in front of me knocked me out.

It was a very large tree, it's leaves were something else. They were different types of shapes, triangle, circular, rectangular, star, square and maybe more I couldn't see. And the colour of the leaves were all different too. Not green but red, yellow, white, black and so more.

How is this possible?

Is this even real?

I haven't seen this type of tree or heard since I know how to function. It can't be real.

And the moon was shining directly on the tree making it look like a magical tree. It's so unbelievable to believe.

Unique and special unlike others. This tree is something you have never heard or seen before and indeed it is true just like he said.

Before I stepped a foot, a large hissing sound came above me and made me freeze on my spot. I didn't dare to move up to see there was a snake or something big above me and will attack me any second if I move a little bit too.

There are dangerous things lurking around the tree but when they see you, they will make you frighten but do not back down. They will see if you are a true witch.

His words were echoing in my mind over and over again.

How the fuck not be frightened if there is a snake waiting for you to move so that it will make you their food before killing you mercilessly.

Do not back down. I rolled my eyes. Easier said than done.

A loud growl came behind me and I nearly pissed myself.

Another came to see my death. Nice.

Anyone wants to come? Please do come and grace me with your presence.

And moon goddess must have listened this prayer so soon that on my left side, I hear a weird sound like something eating something raw and to my right, there was a bird's voice. But I didn't turn to any side to see whom I am surrounded by.

Snake above my head, maybe wolf behind me, bear or something on left and bird on my right.

I was just stood like a statue, not moving a muscle to see anything around me but the tree.

Who knows how much time passes till the voice speak to me.

"They have gone miss. Well done." I then only take a breath.

It was thrilling.

I looked around to confirm and thank goddess I couldn't find one.

I quickly went towards the tree and sat below. I took all things from the bag and started doing just like demon said.

A circle then triangle outside the circle and stand inside the circle.

I lighten up whole candles with the lighter from the bag and placed the bowl in between it where my blood should be fall. I didn't take a look before but now I saw, the bowl is not something we used to. It was different. Black designs were embedded on outer and inner side and was heavy too. Also something written on both sides that I couldn't make out.

Then I took a knife, more like a made up of bone. While knife was made up of bone with intricate designs on it. Everything is weird here but I needed to end this quick so I can get the fuck out of here soon.

Inside the bag, there was a paper too. I opened it and read,

"Vo gurno faq uioo
Thee sni jo karaya"

What the fuck does it mean? I ignored it.

I revised the words in mind and then I stood in between the circle with a bone knife in my hand.

The whole situation was thrilling to me and very uncomfortable too. I feel like I am going to ressurect the devil.

I grabbed the knife in between my right hand by left hand. I chanted the words as I quickly pulled the knife in between the palm of my right hand as the pain made me grit my teeth. I chanted three time per it said while making sure not to spill any blood outside the bowl.

I waited for the few moments to happen something, anything but nothing happened.

I tried to recall if I forget something but I didn't.

I did everything as he sai... I stopped still when leaves of the trees were falling rapidly even on my body too. Suddenly winds were flowing rapidly making weird dangerous noises when it collides with the other trees that scared me shitless.

Something is happening and I don't know what that something is.

My heart rate hyped and I tried to back away to move far away from the tree but I couldn't move as some force was keeping me on my spot. The blood was continuously leaking from my hand as it should be stopped by now. It was leaking like a tap and when I looked down, the bowl wasn't filling. The blood was there but it didn't rise above it.

Is this possible?

Who am I kidding?

If I see the demon again, I will kill me with my bare hands but not before he kills me.

I could feel dark spots behind my eyes but I tried to blink to open my eyes. I knew I was losing my consciousness.  But I didn't want to ask I was all alone in the dangerous place and if will faint her then who is going to take me back to my grandma.

Where did I put myself into.

Grandma help me, I whispered weakly.

And then darkness enveloped me in it's embrace.

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