The Line Up

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Six months later, we have begun to have some trouble with people attacking our people. We have had threats and warning about someone called Negan. Ash is now dating Enid. He seems to have gathered himself together, and about time too. He hates the world though and wants to get revenge on what happened to Bryn. Mac and Rue seem to be dating now. Knox still won't get off my back. He is like a lost puppy. I do really enjoy his company though.

There is one evening, where we are taking Maggie to hilltop. She isn't very well, we're worried her illness could affect her pregnancy. We're supposed to be taking the RV but that was taken from us. Instead we are going by foot.

"Urgh, isn't this bad enough. But I can feel mud going in to my shoes," I hear Knox complain.

I shoot him a look knowing this is not the time. Carl is talking his dad making a promise that no one is going to die again. He listens as his dad goes to say something. That is when whistles fill the atmosphere. I feel chills run up and down my body. Knox looks around wondering where the whistles are coming from.

"What the hell," Drix says.

Rick also looks around thinking exactly what Drix just said. It's too dark to see anything, but I can sense we are in immediate danger if we don't hurry up now. We begin to hurry it up.

Instead we are lured in to a clearing, where lights turn on, nearly blinding us. The whistles are louder now as I look at the whole massive group of people surrounding us, whistling.

"Good you made it. Welcome to where you're going," a man says as he steps in to view. He seems to be half bald, only have thick grey hair on either side of his skull. The middle part being bold. He also seems to have a rather too big for his face, grey moustache. He smirks at all of us and I get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"We'll take your weapons. Now," the man continues.

Rick can't believe it, there was so many. He knows we are beat so he throws down his gun. The guy that is talking to us goes up to Carl and takes his gun. "We can talk about it," he begins to say.

The man cuts in not caring for any of this bullshit. "We're done talking, time to listen," he says.

A small group of saviours go over to the group of people and start taking their weapons off them.

"That's yours right?" he asks waiting for a response, "Yeah, it's yours," he smirks answering himself whilst flicking Carl's hat.

Carl frowns at him. The guy turns his attention back to the rest of us.

"Okay, lets get her down and get you all on your knees, we've got lots to cover," he says.

Abraham stops the saviours from touching Maggie. "Hold up, we got it," he says.

The saviours look at the guy for confirmation.

"Sure, sure," he says allowing us to take Maggie down ourselves.

Knox helps Maggie off the stretcher and we then get on our knees. The guy walks up to Rick.

"I'm going to need you on your knees," he says.

Rick does as his told whilst look around at his people. I also look around seeing the fear on everyone's faces. Ash does the same when he connects eyes with someone he thought was dead. He tugs at my sleeve. I turn to glance at Ash, who looks like he has seen a ghost by the looks. I trail with my eyes to where he is looking and see Bryn staring back at us. I rub my eyes wondering if I am really seeing her there. I nudge the others and they all see Bryn as well. How is this possible? We watched her die with our own eyes.

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