Bryn's POV:

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I wake up in a medical wing somewhere. I sit up in the bed seeing that I am connected to a crazy amount of wires. My jacket that I was wearing is now draped over a chair in the corner of the room. I glance over at a doctor who has his back turned to me. The white walls of this room are so bright that it actually hurts my eyes. Where am I? What am I doing here? Where is Ash? Is this heaven? All I remember is that I sacrificed myself so that Ash wouldn't die. I blacked out. Now I am here. Wherever here is.

The doctor turns around and sees me awake. "Ah hello there, I'm Carson but you may call me doc," he says with a grin. I look at him blankly trying to find the words inside my head to escape my lips. "It's okay take your time, seems you have been through a lot," the doc says. I go to sit up more when I wince in pain and place my hand on my stomach. "You may have to be careful when yo-" the doc goes to say before I interrupt him. "Where are my friends? Where am I? Am I dead?" I ask finally finding the urge to use my voice. "No you're not dead. You're at the sanctuary and I don't know where your friends are," Carson answers my questions. Where did they go? They wouldn't leave me would they? I know Ash wouldn't leave me to rot. They could have dug me a grave instead of leaving me there to turn.

I'm not dead. I'm not dead. I'm not dead.

I snap out of my thoughts when I watch a man walk in. He's wearing a black leather jacket with a blood red scarf and he has a baseball bat over his shoulder wrapped in something I believe could be barbed wire. Yes, exactly that. Barbed wire. He grins at me his teeth a pearl white that shimmers in the light. "Ah you're awake," he says against the doorway. Who is he? What does he want? Am I in danger? "Boss glad to see you're here, the patient is doing okay, she will be fine to leave medical," Carson tells him as I listen in. "Great stuff doc," the intriguing man says drawing his attention back to me. "What's your name angel?" he asks walking over to the bed and standing at the foot of it. The bat still over his shoulder. "B-Brynlee," I stutter. He take his bat off his shoulder, propping it up against the bed, before sitting on the edge. "I'm Negan and that bat there, that's Lucille," he says. Negan. What an unusual name. "I want to find my friends," I tell him. He smirks wondering who my friends could be and where they are now. "I can help you find them if you would like," he says. I look at him as I perk up, "Really you will?" I ask. I think to myself, why would he help me? We only just met. I begin to find this rather odd. "Course," he says. I need to be cautious around this man, incase I really am in danger.

Weeks go by. I have begun to heal from my wound. Negan decided he can see potential in me to be one of his saviours. I train every morning with his right hand man Simon. All I have on my mind is finding my friends and being with Ash again. They couldn't have forgotten me. Am I that easy to forget? Nah, I can't be. They haven't forgotten about me. They wouldn't. Would they?

I am in the middle of training with Simon when Negan enters the room. Me and Simon bow down for him. "Stand," he says as we do so. "Bryn, I was thinking, maybe we could take a trip today to that old camp you got attacked at," he says. I feel a pit in the bottom of my stomach. Do I want to go back? Do I have to? "Um sure," I say. Why did I say that? I mean what is us going back to where I nearly died going to do to help me find my friends. Negan has been a little stressed though lately with some of his men turning up dead in different parts of their look outs outside of the camp. Negan grins, "Great grab your coat and meet me by the truck," he says. I nod and go to head to my room where I grab my coat. What does he expect to find there? Clues? I have no hope that this trip is going to be a successful one at all.

I make my way to the truck where Negan is waiting for me. Lucille over his shoulder as he opens the passenger door for me with his gloved hand. I wonder what happened to his other glove. He always seems to be wearing the one. I smile, "Thanks," I say climbing in to the truck as he closes the door and climbs in the driver's side. "My pleasure angel," he says setting Lucille down beside us and starts up the engine. We drive off to the wooded area where I was attacked. I begin to feel anxious wondering if my friends came back to check if I was still there. Maybe they went back to bury me.

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