New Life

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It's been a month since the whole situation happened at the science lab. I have been through hell and back with a fever that has now only recently gone away. The bite on the back of my shoulder has now fully healed in to a scar but I keep it covered up. My group of friends and I, are now living in an abandoned, rusted house. The walls are made of wood and the roof seems to be unstable, however, it is home for now.

On our supply run, we come across an old, run down gas station. The windows seem to of been smashed in, as we enter. Glass is all over the floor, crunching under our shoes. Ash begins to fill his bag full of medical supplies. Bryn goes over to the holiday rack and picks up a pair of sunglasses, putting them on and turning around to look at Ash.

"What do you think?" she asks thinking she looks pretty cute as she models the sunglasses for him.

Ash looks at her and sighs whilst smiling. "Very cute B, but you need to focus on the task at hand. Supplies," he tells her.

"And yet if you saw comics you would fan boy over them," Bryn giggles as she goes to look around for things that may be useful.

The shelves seem to of been ransacked, leaving some of the shelves bare. I fill my bag with canned goods that could last us a few weeks up to a month, fingers crossed. I watch Bryn take a lollipop from the candy section and takes the wrapper off, before shoving it in her gob. I raise my eyebrow at her as she catches my eye. She shrugs her shoulders.

"Sorry not sorry," she says as she continues to look around. I stifle a giggle as she says that. Out of all of us I feel like she is the most childish in the group.

Knox and Drix are the ones keeping an eye out whilst the rest of us are searching around for supplies. Mac finds a camping stove which can prove some use, since we have been living off cold beans for the past month. Rue fills her bag with torches and batteries to provide us light. She also grabs a few lighters.

"Whilst you're at the kiosk can you grab me a pack of cigs?" Mac asks as Rue shoots her a look.

"You shouldn't smoke, you know," Rue tells her as Mac throws a ball of paper at her whilst laughing.

"Yeah, and you shouldn't lecture people so I guess we both have things we need to stop," Mac says.

Rue shakes her head and grabs Mac a pack of cigarettes from the kiosk. "Hope you don't mind pall mall red," she says.

"Anything will do," Mac says knowing in this day and age you can't be too picky. Not in this world anyway.

We manage to gather a lot of supplies from the gas station. As we head home, we find some train tracks. Ash begins to balance on the edge of them, one foot step in front of the other. I watch him as Bryn comes and walks beside me.

"You think this world will get better in time?" she asks as she keeps sucking on her lollipop.

I put my arm around her as she places her head on my shoulder, putting her arm around me in the process. "I am going to tell you the truth. I reckon it is only going to get worse from here on out," I admit.

"Least we have each other though. Right?" Bryn says as I nod my head and rest my head against hers.

"Course," I smile slightly hoping that to be true.

Mac seems awfully quiet as we walk over these train tracks. Almost like they seem so familiar to her. Rue smiles slightly. "How you doing?" she asks.

"Like I wish a train would come and hit me right now," she says giving Rue a slight smile.

Out of all of us it seems like Mac and Rue are the closest in the friend group. Apart from Drix and Knox ofcourse, who right now are acting like two hooligans chasing eachother around. They're putting Bryn to shame, seeing as she is the childish one. Now those two are.

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