Settling In Period

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Weeks pass, we have begun to settle well here in Alexandria. The citizens are beginning to trust us more. We pull our weight and help out when help is needed. Other times we just act our age, which to be honest we need to be doing more of. It is exhausting to try and be grown up.

Drix is shooting hoops, since he found an old basketball court when he was exploring. Ash is sitting under a tree reading one of his comics. He isn't really himself. I mean he's still reading comic books but he has withdrawn more. I think he still misses Bryn a lot. I don't blame him, I miss her too. Knox is pestering me as he sits beside me and takes one of my earphones out, putting it in his own ear. Mac and Rue are in the barn doing god knows what with each other. I am jealous of their bond. They are so close and can be together.

"Really this is what you're listening to?" Knox asks giving me a disgusted look.

"What? Avril Lavigne is a good singer," I say. Knox gives me back my earphone.

"Yeah if you want an early grave," he says. I nudge his arm.

Rick walks up to us, "Hey how you all settling in?" he asks.

"Yeah, good thanks. We can't thank you enough," I say. It's good to have a place where we can stay and feel safe. I don't want to call it home because no where is home. It's shelter. It will do.

"That's alright," Rick grins loving how grateful we are.

"Do you need help with anything today?" Knox asks thinking it will be better than listening to my music.

"Uh yeah, do you want to come on a supply run?" Rick asks thinking he can use the extra hands.

"Yeah can do," Knox says standing up.

I feel a sense of anxiety rush through me. "Be safe," I tell him. He winks at me. God can this boy be anymore arrogant.

"Having concern for me are you little wolf?" he smirks.

I shake my head and try not to giggle. "Oh shut up you know I worry," I say.

Knox chuckles, "I know, I know," he grins. Damn I love his grin. His teeth shine like white pearls in the sun light. "I will be fine," he assures me.

I watch him walk away with Rick and I just know that my heart won't stop beating fast, not until he is safe back through that gate. Please god, let him come back safe. I don't know what I will do without him.

"She is totally in love with me," Knox tells Rick as they leave for the supply run. What he doesn't know is that it's the other way around.

Rick smiles slightly already seeing that it is the other way around. He leads Knox over to where the others are waiting. Knox grins when he sees them.

"Hey all," he says.

Carl shoots him a grin happy to see him. "Hey Knox," he says.

"Where we headed today?" Knox asks wondering what their location will be today.

"We're going in to the woodlands I believe, maybe a run down town not too far. Might make our way to hilltop. I know Enid said that she wants to come back here for a bit," Carl tells him.

Knox gives him a look, "Enid your girl?" he asks.

Carl shakes his head. "Nah, we're just friends. At the minute anyway," Carl says.

"Ah okay gotcha," Knox smirks getting with the programme now.

They then go to begin their supply run.

Knox partners up with Carl. They both look around together seeing what they can scrounge up to take back to camp. Rick partners up with Maggie.

Knox finds an acoustic guitar thinking that could be of some use to him since before the world turned nasty, he actually liked playing his own guitar in his bedroom. Carl notices, he smiles slightly remembering Beth who also played guitar.

"That your way to woe Ry?" Carl asks as he grins.

"Could be, I mean she loves music," Knox says thinking it may work to get me to fall for his charms even more.

After hitting the town, the group makes their way up to Hilltop. They manage to get some supplies from Greg. Enid joins their supply group back to Alexandria where they walk twenty miles back through the gate of the camp.

I am bringing our washing in from outside. Drix is sat on the steps drinking some ice soda. Rue is training how to handle a machete, since she felt inspired by Michonne.

"Look what I got," Knox says as he walks over to us showing the guitar off. I smile loving it.

"Wow, now you can start practicing music again," I say.

"I wouldn't mind beat boxing to an acoustic," Drix grins likening the guitar Knox has in his hands.

"I never thought I would have one of these again," Knox grins looking so happy. His whole face seems to lighten up whilst he takes in all of the guitar.

Enid makes her way over to Ash, who is still under the tree. "What comic you reading?" she asks.

Ash looks up from his comic seeing her standing there. He goes all shy. "Oh, uh, just spider man," he says scratching the back of his neck.

"I love those comics," Enid smiles as Ash smiles slightly back. He can't believe how much she reminds him of Bryn.

Maggie helps Rick with the other supplies. "Those kids seem to have settled in well," she says.

"Yeah they sure have," Rick grins finding that comforting that we have found safety with them.

"Do you have any kind of plan for them? I mean where did these kids come from?" Maggie asks knowing we had to of come from somewhere. A bigger group maybe.

Rick sighs. "I have no idea. I will question them more," he says seeing Maggie has trust issues with the group of kids.

"Sounds good," Maggie says as she goes to find Glenn.

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