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I am up and awake at my desk. Still dressed in my nightie, I go through my social media. I like to keep up to date with my followers. I won't say that I am that popular, but I do see myself as one to have a lot of friends. Everyone loves the gossip I put up on my page. Like vultures eating a dead corpse almost as if they are starved.

"Bryn, you need to come eat breakfast," I hear my sister say from the bottom of the stairs. I roll my eyes. Emily is one girl you can count on to be a total SLUT. She is the boys favourite at school, I just know that Rodger has a massive crush on her. Would love to see his reaction if he ever sees her room full of my little pony.

I close my laptop and hurry down the stairs not wanting to put my father's attempt of breakfast to shame. I would hate to disappoint him. Ever since mum died it hasn't been easy for him to take care of me and my sister. I sit at the table and begin to eat the pancakes that he has tried his best to make

I skip past the burned bits and eat the good bit. The best part is the middle of the pancake, where it is at its fluffiest. I love my dad so much but I wish he would learn to cook better. Emily bites in to her toast that she made herself. Ofcourse, she would rather make her own breakfast than let our father make an effort. It's like she doesn't even care.

"Did you not even bother changing first? I can't be waiting for you this morning if I am taking you to school," she says before chugging down some apple juice.

I flip her off hating how she has to be so moody. "I am so sorry that you hurried me," I say sarcastically.

Emily sighs. "I just wish you would think about other people rather than yourself," she tells me.

Did she really just say that? "Pot kettle black," I mutter under my breath making her kick my shin under the table. "Ow, what the fuck," I growl rubbing at my shin.

"I heard what you said bitch," Emily growls not happy with what I said. Does she have bat ears or something? There is no way she could of known what I muttered.

Our father pinches the bridge of his nose. "Girls please. Can't you learn to get along. Emily leave Bryn alone, and Bryn go get dressed," he tells us.

I stand up from the table, brushing the crumbs on to the floor from my lap. "Yes dad," I say as I kiss his cheek and head up the stairs.

Minutes later, I come back down wearing some shorts and a crop top with a cream cardigan. Emily looks me up and down. "Don't let dad see you like that, come on out the door," she tells me.

It's true my dad has a strict dress code for school, but I am projecting my personality. Surely he can see it as expression. I grab my coat and leave the house. I get in to the passenger side of Emily's car. I will be glad when I can learn to drive, then I won't have to carpool. I will be able to choose the music I listen to whilst on the way to school. For now I will have to deal listening to hall of fame.

At school, I don't bother saying bye to my sister or even tell her I love her. Instead I get out the car and slam the door behind me. She creates a huge fuss when I slam her car door. Tells me it damages the car everytime I do it. I don't care, I do it because it annoys her.

I see Ash sat under the tree and I go over to him. "Hi," I say as I feel rain drops fall from the sky. Great, I am wearing a crop top and shorts, now the sky decides to open up. I am glad though that I have my coat, that I am now holding in my arms. "Weather seems a bit odd today," I tell him knowing it was sunny when I woke up this morning. Wish the weather would keep a straight mind.

"You want to sit down?" Ash asks. I smile slightly and shake my head. I would rather stand than sit on the muddy ground whilst it is raining. I love the gesture though. He is so cute when he wants to be. I would not change him for the world. I love him. Everything about him. He is always there for me which I am so grateful for. He is my rock.

I hear running. I glance over at the direction it is coming from and see Knox now standing near us trying to catch his breath. His hair is soaking wet from what could either be rain or sweat. I am hoping rain otherwise that is gross. Who runs to school anyways? If anything I would rather run away from school.

"You will not believe the crazy shit I just saw," Knox manages to say. I give him a questionable look wondering what may have been so crazy before school.

"Breathe bro, what did you see?" Drix asks, making me jump. How long has he been standing there? I didn't see him walk over. Is everyone okay today? Out of the four of us it seems like me and Ash are the only normal ones.

"I went in to the boys toilets and saw a boy in there, I asked where everyone is. It's so dead in there. Speaking of dead, the boy turned around and he looks like his jaw has been ripped off," he tells us.

From beside me I can see that Drix is trying his best not to piss himself with laughter. How can Knox have seen that? He must be off his face if he expects us to believe him. I notice it now. A figure coming over to us, his jaw hanging and looks rotting. What the fuck is that? Surely Knox can't possibly be correct. I watch as Ash jumps up from his spot. I look back at the boy shuffling toward us. Closer now.

If nobody is going to say it I will. "What the fuck is that?" I ask having the urge to run, but my body is frozen in position.

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