New Camp

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That night whilst we are sleeping in our tents. A group of men sneak over, smirking to themselves thinking they hit the jack pot. Drix and Knox who were supposed to be on look out, had accidentally fell asleep. One of the men goes in to Bryn and Ash's tent and grabs out Bryn.

Bryn wakes up terrified as she screams and goes to get her knife out of her boot. The man stops her, backhanding her and pins her to the ground going to rape her.

Ash comes out the tent. "Oi get off her," he says sternly grabbing the man and punching him in the face. He goes to help Bryn up and holds her tight to him.

The rest of us come out of our tents. The men get their knives out and starts attacking us. I take out my gun and shoot one of the guys in the head. Mac kicks one of the men around the head and Rue slices their throat. Drix uses his crossbow to take down some of the men.

"You okay?" Ash asks Bryn who he can clearly see is still in a sense of shock.

"I think so," Bryn says as she looks around at the men who seem to be everywhere. She trembles in fear wondering why this is happening.

Ash kisses her passionately before withdrawing. "I love you," he says.

Bryn notices a guy go to stab Ash, so she stands in the way, ending up getting stabbed in the process. She didn't even get a chance to say I love you back to Ash.

"Aww ain't that sweet," the man smirks as he takes the knife out of Bryn's stomach.

"NOOO!" Ash shouts as he falls to his knees with Bryn in his arms.

Knox shoots the man in the forehead, kneeling down by the side of Bryn checking her pulse. He looks at Ash with a devastated look. "I'm so sorry man," he says hating that this happened.

"No, no, please don't die on me," Ash cries hating that Bryn is dying as she goes limp in his arms. Ash sobs as he cradles her in his arms.

We all try to comfort him. "We have to go it is not safe here," I say.

"No. No. I can't leave her," Ash says shaking his head.

I grab him up with Drix's help and we run off leaving Bryn on the ground.

We run and we don't look back, incase any of the men were still alive and chasing after us. Ash couldn't believe we would leave Bryn back there like that. She could turn at any second and we have turned our backs on her like she isn't even our friend. I feel bad, I truly do, but as I said before we need to survive.

What seems to look like a big community comes in to view, after half an hour of walking. A sign says welcome to Alexandria in front of a giant gate keeping us out, from whatever is on the other side. I knock on the gate hoping this will be safe haven for us.

A man with grey shortish hair and an even greyer beard opens up the gate and looks us up and down. "Who are you?" he asks.

"I'm Ryder and this is my group," I say.

Ash has blood over his hands from where he held Bryn's dying body in his arms. We all some how have blood on us from killing the men who attacked us. This man can quite clearly see this and the shock over all our faces from the situation that just occurred. Mac most of all as well as Ash is in a deep sense of shock. She thought of Bryn as a younger sister.

"Okay, how many walkers have you killed?" the man begins to ask us. Great interrogation time.

"A lot," I say knowing we had to so that we could survive and gather supplies. If we didn't we wouldn't be standing here right now.

"How many people have you killed?" he asks. This has to be some trick question right. May as well answer with honesty.

My friends and I, begin to count on our hands whilst looking at one another. We have all killed at some point for the same reason we kill walkers. "A lot," I repeat.

"Why?" the man then asks wondering what made us kill a lot of people.

"To survive ofcourse," I answer truthfully as he opens the gate wider to let us in.

We enter the camp feeling so grateful that he let us in to his shelter. "Thank you so much. We are so grateful. We lost a member about half an hour ago to an attack," I explain.

"It's okay, I will give you a house and you can freshen up there," he says, "I'm sorry to hear about your friend," he adds.

"Thanks," I say finding it odd that we are talking to another person even though we spent the past few weeks as a group for the beginning of the world ending. We follow this man to a house. I take in our surroundings finding it amazing that this camp is so big. Almost like an old street that they have placed a fence around.

Ash notices an old barn and even a church. Seems like a whole community must live here. I feel eyes on us, watching our every move.

"So, uh, what is your name?" Mac asks. Why didn't I think of asking that?

I mentally slap myself in the forehead, wondering how I could of forgotten to ask the man for his name. I mean I told him my name, it would of been common curtesy to ask him for his.

"My name's Rick. Rick Grimes," the man tells us.

Mac smiles at him likening that name. "Nice to meet you Rick. I'm Mac, this is Drix, Knox, Rue and Ash," she tells him, introducing everybody. They give him a slight wave. Apart from Ash, he is still in a sense of grief.

We walk in to the house he has given us. It's a big house, although for us it seems small because there is a lot of us. Lemon paint covered the hallway wall in to the living room where the walls turned a cream colour. The kitchen is reasonably sized, good for cooking breakfast. Something I think Drix would like since he enjoys cooking.

I make my way up the stairs, stepping in to the first bedroom my eyes set on. It's spacious and seems to be the biggest room in this house. The room has three beds where as the other two had bunk beds.

"Okay, so here is how we're going to sort this out, I have the big room with Mac and Rue. Drix and Knox you will share and Ash you can have the other room to yourself," I say.

Each room came with their own bathroom which I thought is smart, seeing as it means we won't have to fight over one bathroom.

"Ah right, get in. Drixie you're my roomie," Knox says loving that. Drix rolls his eyes.

"Don't get too excited we're not having midnight feasts," Drix says.

"If you say so," Knox says thinking he will see about that.

Ash goes in to his room closing the door behind him. He wanted to be alone to process what has happened with Bryn. She may have turned right now, wondering the woods. Maybe in her walker form she is looking for us. But he doubts it.

Mac and Rue pick their beds, which are next to eachother ofcourse. I swear Mac has a thing for Rue. They seem so close. I place my bag on my bed which is the one in the corner. Rue moves her bed right against Mac's, not wanting to be in the middle of the room. I smile at them.

"You going to be alright over there in the corner?" Mac asks.

I nod my head, "I am going to be just fine," I smile. I'm used to being in the corner of a room. I have been for my entire life. No change there.

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