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I smack my alarm clock wanting it to shut the fuck up. Groaning as I do, I sit up in bed. I don't want to go to school. It's shit. However, I have no choice because if I don't go I will get a yelling off my father. Lets face it I don't want another beating. I swivel myself to the edge of the bed and run my hand along my exhausted face. I am so blinking tired, I don't know why I torture myself and stay up late. I move off my bed and walk in to the bathroom down the corridor from my room. I glance at myself in the mirror. What a sorry excuse for a son. Is what my father would say if he walked in this instant. Luckily for me, he doesn't. I am not in the mood for him today. I turn on the shower and begin to undress.

After my shower, I make my way downstairs and sit at the table where my mother has made me some pancakes. I thank her and dig in. What a great way to start the morning with pancakes and coffee. "Morning boy," I hear my father say as he walks in. I sigh thinking here we go. Another morning with my abusive father. "I expect you to do well on your test today," he tells me as he sits down with his mug of coffee.

"Ofcourse father," I say. Anything to keep him sweet. We don't want him taking off the breakfast from the table that my mother has worked hard on. Not like he gives a hot dogs ass about my mother. Treats her like shit just like he does with me. I won't waste my breath on him at all. I finish my pancakes.

Breakfast is over as soon as I leave the house. Getting the bus ain't that bad to be fair. I would rather get the bus then ride in the car with my father. I am however, worried about this test. I haven't studied for it. I have a feeling I am in for one hell of a whipping later from my father's belt.

Finally, at school. Things don't feel right. I walk around the campus hoping to find a teacher or another student. I hear a sound coming from the boys toilets so I walk in. I notice one of the guys near the condom dispenser. Who knows why we have that thing in the boys toilets. Something about safe sex I guess. "Hey, where is everyone?" I ask. The boy turns around to look at me. I jump back startled. What the fuck? His face is like someone shot him in the jaw and left him to rot. He makes a groaning sound and starts to shuffle towards me. I run out the toilets and in to the school parking lot where I see a group of normal looking teens. Kendrix one of my main best buds is there.

"You will not believe the crazy shit I just saw," I say.

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