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I wake up ahead of time like I do every morning. I stumble out of bed and put on my glasses, before walking in to the bathroom where I run a comb through my hair. I observe my reflection in the mirror. The jocks at school are right I am a geek. A nerdy geek who keeps to himself and reads comics. I sigh to myself and get dressed for school.

I make my way downstairs and sit myself down at the kitchen table, where I pour myself some cereal. My mum comes over to me and ruffles my hair. "Morning Ash," she says with a smile. I smile back since I am rather close with my mum. Many people would call me a mummy's boy. I don't mind though, I can be a mummy's boy if I want to. I am sick of people judging me already, what's a bit more judgement.

After breakfast, I take my bicycle helmet from the bottom step and put it on. My older brother Rodger comes up to me and punches me playfully in the arm. "Have a good day today yeah," he says. I look down at my feet seeing how neatly I tied my laces. "I'll try," I mumble. Rodger walks away hoping I will stick to my word. I shove my coat on and go to walk out the house.

I ride to school making sure to get there before the big rush of the morning bell. I lock my bike up at the bike shed, resting my helmet on one of the handles. I look over at the basketball courts seeing Drix shooting some hoops. He is only one of little jocks that doesn't actually cause me hassle. I sit under a tree near the basketball courts and take out my comic that I am currently reading. It's spider man which I am obsessed with.

Doesn't take long before I am disturbed by my girlfriend Bryn. "Hey," I grin. Bryn smiles at me. Oh how I love her smile. It brightens up the whole room and the sad thing is, she don't notice it. I do though. Every. Single. Time. Bryn is gorgeous, I just wish she would believe that about herself. It breaks my heart in to a million pieces when she degrades herself. I love her so dearly. She is the love of my life. I don't want to change her for the world.

"Hi," she says as she stands there with her coat in her arms. "Weather seems to be a bit odd today," she adds. I nod my head, not really knowing what to say to that when I look up at the sky. I notice how grey the clouds are. Rain drops start hitting us on the head. I smile finally happy to see rain all this time, since not having it lately.

"You want to sit down?" I ask thinking she will be dry under the tree that I am leaning against. She shakes her head. What a brave soul. I would not have refused. That's one of things I admire her for.

Knox comes running over, just as Drix begins to walk up to us. "You will not believe the crazy shit I just saw," he says out of breath as he bends over with his hands on his knees.

"Breathe bro, what did you see?" I hear Drix ask as he places a hand on Knox's shoulder.

"I went in to the boys toilets and saw a boy in there, I asked where everyone is. It is so dead in there. Speaking of dead, the boy turned around and he looks like has his jaw ripped off," Knox tells us.

I can tell Drix is trying to stifle a laugh. That is until a shocked expression forms on his face as his eye contact falls on a person coming towards us. Or what we think is a person. I don't think I have seen anything like it, apart from in comics. Knox isn't wrong, this boy's jaw does look like it has been ripped off. What the hell happened? I jump up from the ground having a bad feeling about this.

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