chapter 21 "late night Dream meeting"

Start from the beginning

"Maybe I should read that damn pamphlet...can't sleep anyway"

I got up from my sitting position and walked over to the desk. I had left it there since I didn't really care about it that much.

With a defeated sigh I picked it up and read the front.

"A human mates guide to a wolf mate relationship" 

I flipped open the page to see what was written on there. It was pretty simple to follow at least. 

"Human mates are uncommon in wolf society but not unheard of, oftentimes the human counterpart may not feel this connection as strong as the wolf partner. 

-When a human mate is discovered they are brought back to the pack as soon as possible to spend as much time as possible with their mate, as the instincts to claim their mate are incredibly strong, being separated can cause distress and issues with both partners.

This can include

•sleeping issues

•increased irritability

•feeling of paranoia and aggression

•sexual frustration

•increased feeling of possessiveness

•depressive episodes

•panicked episodes

•loss of appetite


•low motivation or energy.

-These symptoms can vastly decrease when new mates spend intimate time together after meeting, but they don't fully disappear when the bond is still new and underdeveloped.

-These symptoms appear in both partners and often stronger in wolf mates, especially if they are an Alpha.

-Physical contact, bonding, intimacy, scent marking and reassurance can really help calm these symptoms for the new pair, though it's normal to take things slow unlike purely wolf mates."

Ok well that explains a few things, but after that…night, with Damien I doubted my current emotional state had much to do with this mate bond.

So I didn't really plan on attempting any contact, what I needed was my friends and family, not some stupid 'bonding time' with this stupid Alpha. It made me shiver thinking about it, but a part of me somewhat liked the idea.

I shook my head frantically to get the thought out of my head, I must be going crazy if that's what I'm starting to think.

I skipped a few pages, it basically just explained how pack life worked, how to meet new wolves and all that junk.

Haven't I read this before? 

I skipped the page until I came about mate behaviour for Alpha's, that would at least provide the information I need for dealing with this stupid Alpha. Why was he being so weird at the moment, maybe I could find some kind of weakness I could exploit. 

I skipped over some more things, but the part about scent marking and comforting mates caught my attention.

I glanced at Damien's jumper again then at the pamphlet

"Mates will scent mark each other, this could start with simply sharing clothing or blankets that smell of each other, this could also be done to comfort a distressed mate.

The smell of their mate can help calm down a partner who is potentially stressed or scared.

This is also a way to help new mates if they are separated for long periods of time, having something of their mates can provide comfort and safety to a new pair."

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