Chapter Forty-nine:"You're staying here."

Start from the beginning

"But where are your stuffs? You didn't come here empty-handed, did you?" I ask.

"Well, they're in my car." Jace says.


"Your car?" I ask.

"Yeah, my car. I have a car."

"Oh my goodness! You have a car?"

"Yep. It's not a new car just that I haven't driven it in two years.....apart from yesterday and the day before. My dad got it for me as a gift for getting into college. He did the same for Quinn so I guess it's a kinda family tradition."

"So you already had it before coming to LA?"

"Yeah. I didn't feel like bringing it with me to LA so I just left it there but I think I'll consider bringing it to LA next semester."

"Okay. That's not a bad thing to consider."

"I know. That being said, can we go meet the car, milady?" Jace asks, offering me his hand.

"Anything for you, milady."!!

Not that....

My mind just flashed back to my sex dream, on hearing Jace say "milady"

The way he breathed "milady" against my lips.......

Pull yourself together, Mia!!

It was just a dream.....


"Sure we can." I shake off my thoughts and take his hand, standing from the bed.

We proceed to leave the room.


"Hey Mia, hey Jace." Amber calls out.

She's sitting by the kitchen counter with Michelle and my mom looks like she's trying to setup something for breakfast 'cause she's doing something by the cooker.

"Oh.....they're awake already. Morning guys." Michelle says.

"Morning Michelle and Amber, Morning mom." I say.

"Hey guys. Good morning, ma'am." Jace says.

"Morning, my darlings. You're finally awake." My mom says.

"Yes, we're." I say.

"I was just trying to make something for breakfast. You two should come and sit with Michelle and Amber." My mom says.

"Mom......actually....umm....I'm seeing Jace off now." I stutter.

"Huh? Seeing him off to where?" My mom asks.

I look at Jace.

"'am, thank you so much for your hospitality. It's a lot and I greatly appreciate but I shouldn't stay here longer. It would only be taking advantage of your kindness." Jace says.

"So where are you going to? Do you have any family or friends here.....friends apart from the girls?" My mom asks.

"I don't have any family or friends here. I'm going to lodge in a hotel for a while before travelling back to where I came from." Jace says.

"A hotel? No, son." My mom walks closer to us "I can't let you spend your money on a hotel room when we've empty rooms here. You're staying here."


"But nothing. Call it taking advantage of my kindness, I say otherwise. You'll stay here with your friends till when you're ready to travel back to where you came from, which is?" My mom asks.

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