Chapter Forty: Decent Conversation.

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Michelle's POV.......

Why did you do it?

Stupid Michelle.....

I thought while making my way to probably Caleb's place to crash for the night or for a while.

I might've ruined the friendship between me and my best friends, Mia and Amber, especially......Mia. I don't know what came over me.

I've been kinda attracted to Mia for a while a way I shouldn't, in a way I don't want to.

Out of what I don't know, I sabotaged her first ever relationship, a happy relationship at that.

The hell, Michelle......

I'm so ashamed of myself right now. I can't believe what I fucking did. I've no idea what to do with myself now.

This isn't what I wanted.


Mia's POV......

"Mia, please can I come in?" I hear Amber's voice ask from outside my room, snapping me outta my thoughts.

I've been on my bed, thinking of a lot since after what happened yesterday. I feel sick from crying so much. I couldn't even get a proper sleep last night.

The fact that I've been betrayed by the people I trusted so much is really getting me. It's as if I've been with strangers all these while. Everything seems unbelievable, Michelle being gay, Amber telling her boyfriend I'm gay for the reason I can't tell.

I don't know what hurts me the most now, whether it's my friends' betrayal or that I didn't give Jace the chance to explain what happened at the end of the semester party despite all the pleading he did plus all those things I said to him and the ones he said to me too. He told me that Alexa forced herself on him but I didn't believe him and now that I know it's true, I feel so terrible.

What am I gonna do now?

"Mia, I know you probably don't wanna see me now but what Michelle said last night about me telling Jordan that you're gay, it's not totally true. I'll explain everything to you whenever you're ready to hear me out." Amber says.

I utter no word.

I wanna speak but my mouth feels weak.

"Uh....I got you coffee and breakfast. I made waffles. I'm gonna leave them right in front of this door. Please, make sure to have them. You didn't have dinner last night and I'm not sure you had lunch either. Don't starve yourself. I'm stepping out of the apartment for a bit." Amber says.

I hear her footsteps receding from my door.

After some seconds, I stand from my bed, slowly making my way to the door.

I open the door and see a cup of coffee and a plate of waffles, well coated with honey, in a tray. Looking down at them, I start sobbing.

I don't know why though.

I drop to the floor soon after, my sobbing increases. I can feel it slowly draining the remaining strength in me.

"Mia?" I hear Amber call out.

I thought she's left.

She comes closer to where I'm sitting on the floor and squats to my level.

"Hey girl....why're crying? Please, don't cry, I'm really sorry." Amber says.

I look up to Amber with the tears in my eyes and the ones already rolling down my cheeks.

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