Chapter Seventeen

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Eudora Potter

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Eudora Potter

Felix and I eventually made it back to the castle, walking around slowly while talking.

"Normally we have a party in the Gryffindor Common Room, It's always packed. Meaning none of James' friends will notice you super easily, If you'd like to come?" He suggested. I thought about it for a brief moment, before finally speaking up.

"Sure, why not? Besides, It's time for me to start enjoying myself instead of worry about James' stupid friends anyways." I looked at the ground as we walked for just a bit longer.

"Why don't you want them knowing you're back?" He asked.

"Well, besides the fact that they were the reason I got expelled, they also ruined my hair within that same night. I had to cut my hair to my shoulders because my mother couldn't get the paint out. James was lucky he didn't go home that same night, he would probably be dead right now if he would've. My mum was furious. Actually, furious is a understatement." I sighed, looking up at Felix to only see him smiling at me.

"I'm gonna go shower, I'll meet you at The Great Hall in twenty?" He suggested.

"Sure." I shrugged.

"Brilliant, I'll be back." He spoke as he began rushing towards Gryffindor Tower to shower.

-- 20 minutes later --

Felix returned, out of breath.

"Running, were you?" I bit my lip.

"Couldn't leave my lovely date waiting." He winked.

Date? This is a date?

"Here, let me take that from you." He offered as I took my Ravenclaw cape and scarf off. What I didn't know, that giving him my cape and scarf would be the worst decision I'd make since I've been here.

We chatted quietly as we made our way to the Fat Lady Portrait, loud booming music could be heard from a mile away on the other side.

"Password?" She asked.

"Pig Snout." Felix answered as the portrait opened, revealing flashing lights and lasers moving all over the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Best you forget that password, unless you'd like to come hangout some other time." Mclaggen spoke, indicating that he would like for me to swing by sometime again soon. I only giggled as we made our way into the Common Room, pushing past many people from all four different houses.

I looked to my right and seen James and Sirius, facing back to back, shimmying around in a little circle.

It was quite a sight to see. What a weirdo I have for a brother. I cringed as I looked away, moving deeper into the crowed as Felix got us drinks.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go set your set your things down in my dormitory to keep it safe and to make sure it doesn't get ruined. Drink this for now." He handed me a red solo cup, as he walked away up some stairs to what I assumed was the boys dormitory.

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