Honesty | A THIRTY

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"I know a lot of injustice has been going on in this academy for years, but I paid it no mind because there are bigger problems in society and our environment to focus on. Lately though, it's gotten especially heinous."

"Are you talking about Garren?"

"No." She shook her head. "I'm talking about the root of all the corruption; Cecilia Shepherd."

I intently listened onwards.

"I know how that whole scandal with the former captain Michael Howard had been monopolised by her. The press conference too, even other incidents before that to cover her grandson's misconducts. Or using her authority to convince you to sign up for the club."

I didn't think I could be shocked any further from the first statement that left her lips, but I'd sorely been mistaken. I stared face pale for eons that were only just seconds until I spoke. "H-How do you know about that?"

"I'll tell you if you—"


"Stevie I haven't even said anything yet."

"Whatever, I'll do it. Just tell me."

Ivanov frowned. "Stevie I'm not sure what you're thinking but I'm not trying to exploit you here."

"I fail to see that."

It was becoming an infuriating pattern of people using my family to string me up and dance as their puppet.

"I'm not like that crazy headmistress. I'm sorry she's went around using you to carry out whatever plans she has going on." The disdain in Ivanonv’s voice was scarcely convincing but I refrained from dropping any guard. "But I can help free you from it."

My brows pinched. "Why?"

"Because that's the right thing to do." She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, baffling me. "I'm going to say my proposition but whether you want to go along with it or not, I'll tell you my source."

I studied her, my lips pursed.

"It's been hard, hasn't it? Keeping everything in and nodding along— being so powerless." A gleam in her eyes that I couldn't grasp as anything other than compassion that spoke deep within me.

I swallowed. "Yeah."

She placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "You can trust me, Stevie. I'm here to help."

I nervously met her earnest gaze and ultimately reached a verdict. She filled me in on her proposition that was the interview piece she'd be using to quote 'purge the academy of corruption.' Along with my freedom as she profusely promised. I said I'd think about it.

Ms. Shepherd apparently had thought about it for me. Why Ivanov had gone to the head after assuring me she was putting me first wasn't adding up.

I didn't feel confident I could trust her but, I wanted to believe this was for a selfless cause. That someone out there wanted to do right because it was simply right.

I sought out Ash who was by the student lounge with her boyfriend to state I couldn't follow through with our plans to go dress shopping today.

"You'll be doing the interview at their campus? Cool." enthused Ashton.

"Yeah." I murmured.

"You don't seem so excited." Liam noticed.

"I am." I wasn't. "It's just, I've never really done an interview or anything like that and I didn't get any time to think it over. Ms. Shepherd just went ahead to decide everything.”

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