Chapter 83 Water Pipe Adventure

Start from the beginning

but you can't spend all your resources on it!

She Lulang actually remembered: "A lot of chaos in my previous life was caused by lack of food."

Yu Xi L椟jga In this way, Yu Qunqing was finally able to deduce the infrastructure construction ideas of the research center. If the superpower complains about not having enough food, causing chaos, then upgrade the kitchen; the more advanced the kitchen, the more ingredients will be consumed, and the superpower will soon be out of food, causing chaos again... and the cycle continues.

Alas, it seems that professional players are still needed.

I can finally play other games openly in front of the system!

She Lulang saw that Yu Qunqing was very interested and smiled slightly.

Although I don't know why Yu Qunqing's superpower is exploring the AI ​​capsule, his superpower seems to have self-awareness... Is there something Yu Qunqing forgot to tell him?

She Lulang stared at the extremely lively little blue ball with some suspicion.

Yu Qunqing didn't notice it, probably because it was too outrageous to admit that he had a natural disaster kid, so he subconsciously ignored it.

He used a very small amount of power to turn on the AI's broadcast function and announced to all the residents of the shelter: The new manager has taken office, let us warmly welcome him.

The AI ​​also comes with applause sound effects, which is so fashionable!

Residents in the accommodation complex are worried. They thought Tang Qianjiang was from their side, and they knew that the information Tang Qianjiang revealed in advance was indeed correct. One of the members of Yu Qunqing's team was elected as the manager, and the specific information was kept confidential. The feeling of not knowing who was responsible made them slightly uneasy.

"Looking on the bright side, at least the power has been restored and it won't be so cold tonight."

The residents walked into the narrow room in twos and threes. Too many things happened today and they needed to have a good sleep. They worry that there will be terrible changes tomorrow. The most frightening thing in the apocalypse is the unknown.

"Strange, the heating seems to be warmer today..."

Many people felt that their sleep tonight was very solid. It wasn't until the next day that they discovered this unexpectedly.

In fact, Yu Qunqing closed all the facilities in the canteen and kitchen, returning the power reserve of the shelter from "extremely critical" to "dangerous", and the computing power can calculate the other three low-level projects.

Yu Qunqing dug out some electricity from other projects.

Research center? Except for the heating function, everything else is turned off, and there is no need for lighting!

Other work areas? Inside is a production line for a large number of items. For example, special cold-weather clothing for shelters is produced here, but now all factories are closed!

Agricultural area? In addition to farmland, there is also a disaster stone detoxification and crushing device, which is used to make fertilizer. There are not enough disaster stones now, so this big machine will be shut down soon!

Border zone? There is only LV2, which is still guarded by humans. It is better to allocate more power to keep warm.

The power margin of the shelter is now "low-medium", and the computing power margin has increased significantly.

Yu Qunqing allocated some electricity to the heating in the accommodation area, and at the same time banned the use of daily water pipes in the entire shelter.

He wants to rebuild the shelter's infrastructure!

Looking up from the foot of the mountain, we first see the border area where the shelter is very large. The outermost layer is an area with unmanned traps and defense facilities, and then there is a guarded checkpoint. The large open space behind the checkpoint is a waiting observation area and a disinfection area. Then there is another level.

Behind the border area are the superpower hall, dining hall and kitchen. There are no people and no light now.

Then there is the accommodation area, with narrow iron houses packed together as densely as fish scales. People who live here have little privacy. In the last days, people don't care about this stuff either. The accommodation area is also subdivided into disinfection bathhouses, public toilets and other areas. The temperature is lower now, so it seems more acceptable.

The different directions of the accommodation area are research centers, agricultural areas and other operating areas. Each area has a relatively long strip of land.

The AI ​​capsule is located at the border of the research center and the agricultural area, surrounded by layers, not far from the power station and water purification plant.

Yu Qunqing drew a rough draft on the AI ​​screen and created five main water pipe channels, allowing AI's computing power to calculate new plans for the infrastructure area. Because the shelter is expanding little by little, the distribution of water and electricity may be reasonable at first, but as more and more people and other things come later, the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and various pipes begin to get knotted. Maybe the original research center also had the idea of ​​re-dividing the area, but no big move was made due to reality.

AI cannot create hardware facilities out of thin air. It can only remind humans what materials are nearby and how they can be assembled into good water pipes. As for who does it and how it is done, managers must shoulder the responsibility.

Yu Qunqing can ask all residents to get up and move bricks tomorrow morning. He has force value and is very good at threatening others. He can complete the new pipeline system quickly with 20,000 people. But waiting until tomorrow morning is still too slow. If Yu Qunqing doesn't come up with an orderly pipeline system, he will be obsessed with it all night.

He called out to the system that was swimming in the sea of ​​learning: "I think this part can be modified into a mini-game."

The system suddenly appeared in front of him: "I just said mini-games would be more fun."

It seeped into the ground and floated out after a few seconds. : "Do you want to open the game applet - Water Pipe Adventure?"

The game applet was an additional game form linked to social software before the end of the world. The advantage is that it does not need to be downloaded and can be played with just one click. The nature of the system determines that it cannot be transformed into a small game out of thin air. It requires the player's "game slot" and "game seed".

Yu Qunqing's "game slot" is unlocked with "exploration value". There are not many intact buildings after the apocalypse. The upgrade gift before the system included "exploration value", so this level can be solved. The "game seeds" require special conditions to be given away. However, the game applet does not need to be downloaded, so "game seeds" are not necessary.

"Game applet-Water Pipe Adventure is loaded successfully! Hurry up and organize the pipes!"

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