Quinn Hughes - Lover pt.2

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Quinn and I have been married for four years now, we're 28 and couldn't be happier we have a two year old daughter and another baby boy on the way.

Our relationship couldn't be stronger and his hockey career is doing great as he is the captain on the Vancouver Canucks.

"Hey girls, I'm home!" a voice echoed through the house.

Kyre, our daughter raced to him. Even though she was only two she was great at walking and could already run quite well, of course it wouldn't be perfect and she would wobble a bit and every so often fall but that's to be expected for a little girl like her.

"Dada!" She said in her baby voice as she grabbed Quinn's leg, latching herself to him.

I walked up the stairs from our family room to greet my husband. "Hey, sweetheart" he said picking up Kyre, giving her a hug.

Once I get up the stairs I look at Quinn and Kyre with a smile. Quinn looks over at me and his smiles grows. He sets Kyre down and tells her to run off, which she does. After she ran to play with her toys Quinn walked over to me.

"Hello, beautiful" He said before carefully giving me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey, love. I'm glad you're back" I say, retaliating the hug.

"Glad to be back and see my beautiful wife and one and a half kids" he chuckles at the end of his sentence.

I playfully roll my eyes at him and smile as I pull away from the hug. "Hungry? I made pasta not too long ago, it's sitting on the stove. It's the one that has tin foil over it" I asked pointing to the pasta I made less than a half hour ago.

"You're amazing" he said before giving me a peck on the lips, which I retaliate. He pulls away after a second and walks in the kitchen to make his plate.


Hours later, it was 6:30 PM and Quinn was chasing around Kyre trying to tucker her out before bed.

Kyre runs around the kitchen and dinning room giggling her head off. I watch them with a smile as Kyre starts to slow down, clearly becoming tired.

Suddenly she sits on the floor in the kitchen and Quinn sits next to her. She lays herself down on Quinn's lap as he gently pats her head.

"She getting tired?" I ask standing up from my spot on the stairs as I had been watching the two run around.

"Yeah, I'll take her to bed." He said with a small smile as he picks Kyre up and stands up from sitting on the floor.

"I'll go with" I say waiting for him to walk to the stairs.

He gives me a quick nod as he walks up the stairs with me trailing not far behind. We walk to Kyre's room and Quinn lays her down on her bed. I walk next to Quinn as he tucks her in and gives her a kiss on the forehead. He looks up at me with a smile and moves over. I take that moment to also give Kyre a kiss on her forehead.

Quinn taps my shoulder as he stands up and starts walking out. I give Kyre one last glance before following Quinn.

We walk to our shared room and get ready for bed ourselves.

"I'm glad you're home" I say quietly and with a smile as he gets into bed next to me.

"I'm glad to be home with my two favorite girls" he says, and I put my head on his shoulder. He snakes his arm around my waist.

I mumble something, not even knowing myself what I said before falling asleep with my favorite person with me.

This is short but rly cute feel free to change the name of the kid but uh we do to have to talk about how long it took to update😬😬 DONT FORGET TO LIKE AND VOTE POOKIES 🤫🤫🧏‍♀️🧏‍♀️

REQUESTED BY chi_blackhawks

684 words

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