Dawson Mercer (good to see you again)

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"My my, look who it is" I hear a sly voice from behind me. I instantly knew who it was.

I turn around to face where the voice was coming from. "Look who wants to talk now? Hello, Dawson." I say keeping a straight face, still clearly mad at what he pulled years back. People may say im being immature but I don't really care.

You see, me and Dawson were best friends when we were three up to when we were twelve. Everything was normal with us, we acted like every other best friend. That was, until he joined a new team for hockey. He started having his new hockey friends come over which I didn't mind but he started acting different. He would ignore me and the few times he did talk to me he was cold and rude. After that, we drifted apart and we ended up not talking anymore.

"Don't act like you don't want me" Dawson smirks trying to walk over for a hug.

"No, I really don't. Now I would appreciate it if you leaved me alone." I say backing away from his hug.

"Don't be so cold Y/n/n" He says standing in front of me.

"Don't you dare, call me by that name." I stare at him dead in the eye hoping he will leave me alone.

"Oh c'mon, we used to be so close what happened?" He asked smiling while tilting his head.

"You started being a bitch, and left me for your 'cool' hockey friends" I say starting to tear up as the memories start flooding back.

"You know I was just joking, you're the one who stopped talking and then moved away" Dawson says rolling his eyes.

"Whatever you remember, Dawson. Can you just leave me alone?" I asked for the second time now.

"I don't think so, I'd like to talk." He says in a low voice.

"about what?" I say putting my hand on my hip.

"I miss how close we are, really. You know I never wanted us to drift apart I realized that my teammates were jerks but I couldn't say anything because you were already gone by then." Dawson says looking up at me.

I stand there waiting for him to say just kidding you thought or something like that, but he didn't.

"I miss how we were too." I smile before turning it back into a frown.

"But some of the things you said to me were cruel and I don't know if I can forgive you for that." I say looking back down.

"It couldn't have been that bad. Plus, I was just trying to fit in you know I didn't mean it" He says with guilt lingering in his voice.

"Dawson, you said that I'd be better off in a rat colony because then something would want me" I stated with tears falling down my cold cheeks from the cold air of the bar I was at.

"Well, if you're going there then I will too because I want you. I want to be your friend again, I mean it." Dawson says grabbing my hand in his.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He says with a warm smile on his face.

I look at the ground debating if I wanted to go with him. Before he became friends with those scum of people he was a really sweet boy and fun to be around, I truly do miss it. "I'd love that" I look up at him and see his smile somehow get even bigger.

"Great, what would you like?" He asks while walking to two empty bar stools with me following behind hand in hand.

"Tequila?" I say looking at him.

He was going to respond before the bartender came over. "Alright what can I get you two?" He says looking in between us.

"Four shots of Tequila" he says to the man behind the bar before looking over at me, "two for you and two for me" He smiles.

A few hours later we had both been drinking more and are a bit drunk at this point. "Okay, I think it's time we head out. I can call us a Uber and we can get our cars in the morning?" He asks making sure I'm okay with the plan.

"That sounds great, thanks. Also, do you mind if I stay over at your house I don't feel like going home tonight." I ask looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Yeah, that's fine." He says smiling when taking out his phone to open the Uber app.

A few minutes go by and the Uber arrived. When Dawson got the notification he let me know and we started to walk outside, but on our way out my ankle gave out and I fell on the hard wood flooring of the bar. A few people looked while Dawson got down on my level.

"Are you okay?" He says while grabbing my hand to help me up.

"Yeah I'm fine, my ankle hurts a little though" I respond. That was half the truth, my ankle hurt really bad. Not at a broken point though, I've broken my ankle before and it hurt way worse than this. It was probably just a sprain but still.

"Can you walk on it?" He asks as he threw my arm over his shoulder.

"Yeah, thank you though" I smile as we walk out the to Uber.

As we got to the car Dawson opened a door for me before going on the other side and getting in himself. I nod as a thank you, which makes him smile.

As the driver gets close to Dawsons house I feel at ease knowing that I could finally go to sleep after a long night of drinking with Dawson.

We pulled up to his house and Dawson got out then ran to my side and opened my door helping me out of the car. "Such a gentleman" I smiled at him.

"It's the least I could do after what I've done in the past" he smiles back, and then puts my arm back over his shoulder and helps me to his front door.

As we get in his house we take off our shoes and then I follow him to his room. "So since I don't really have a guest room, you can sleep in my room. I'll take the couch" he says motioning to his bed.

"And also since you don't have anything to sleep in you can take a shirt of mine and here are some sweatpants" Dawson says walking over to his drawers and takes out a large shirt that has a Devils symbol of the front and MERCER 91 written on the back. He also takes out a pair of black sweatpants.

"Thank you, and are you sure you're okay with me sleeping in your room?" I ask taking his clothes.

"Yeah, of corse!" He smiles walking out of the room so that I can change.

After J change into his clothes I go downstairs to find his living room. After I found it I see Dawson sitting on the couch watching TV. "Goodnight and thank you again" I say walking over to him.

"Anytime, goodnight" he says as I come over, giving me a hug. After I pull away I give him a smile which he returns and I go back to his room.

I turn on his TV and begin watching Family Guy to fall asleep to and before I know it, I'm out like a light.


So this is kind of a short one and I'm sorry it took so long to upload I was doing it in pieces. I hope you enjoyed don't forget to vote and comment who I should do next!!

Request by: MilevenandLumax4ever

1310 words

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